What exactly makes you a Full Stack Developer nowadays? It's one of the big buzz words employers seem to use

  • 4
    Could you make all parts of web app on your own?

    Yes: Hurray, you're a full stack developer.

    Just to be clear: front-end, backend, database
  • 3
    Oh well I guess I am one then 😀@morgh
  • 12
    Yeah, I also like to call it: not-especially-good-at-anything developer.

    Disclaimer: full stack here
  • 3
    Haha yeah that's another way to put it. It's just hard to specialize when everything is so fun c:

    I've also started making both iOS and Android apps at work so that doesn't really help haha @morgh
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    Jack of all trades, master of none
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    @morgh It's also about knowing someone who can do what you can't, like a good designer.
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    I rather work with teams that have one solid front end and one solid backend and maybe a guy that can do both so they can function between the two.
  • 1
    @grolofson Yeah it's definitely nicer that way. Even though our whole team is 'Full-stack', we all primarily focus in separate areas. Which is pretty sweet.
  • 1
    @donkeyScript ...often times better than a master of none
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