Goes on teams, since it got shoved down my throat because everyone has to use this malware. Might at least clock around to see what free shit it has to offer.

Oh cool, visio? Thats the architecture diagramming tool isnt it? Thats perfect I could use it for my presentation, let me just drag this UML class...

YoU HaVe DiScOvErEd A PrEmIuM FeAtUrE! BuY ViSiO NoW!!

Sometimes, I wish the times of companies simply barring you from access completely to come back. Freemium is the worst bullshit piece of shit business model ever.

  • 3
    We use Teams as well, but our part of the organization has an exception to use Slack 😄
  • 3
    everything's a sales pitch!

    you can't even see the salesman coming and take another route!
  • 3
    @ScriptCoded what i'd give to never have to hear the sound of someone calling in teams ever sgain
  • 1
    @Chewbanacas the call sound makes my stomach churn despite years of not using it. The ptsd is still here. In all fairness, what I hate may not be teams directly. It just reminds me of where I worked then. I associate it to that terrible time
  • 0
    @Nmeri17 And then the HR smile while you hear their adventures of their commute, baaaah
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