From now on -and until further notice- I'll commit heinous crimes against each and any developer blaming GPT when their code is BAD.

YOU are in the workforce. Not GPT. YOU are responsible for the shit you write.
There is a reason GPT costs 200 bucks per month and you cost at least ten times as much. Own your mistakes, learn to code while you still have time, before the chatbot actually catches up and makes you obsolete.

Sincerely signed: the guy who straight up refuses to install copilot. I'm perfectly capable of introducing my own fair share of bugs, without relying on some autocomplete plugin.

  • 2
    Do people actually blame GPT for their own mistakes?
  • 1
    @PappyHans yes. dumb people.
  • 4

    Q: "man, how does this work?"

    A: "dunno, GPT wrote it"

    Second time I heard it in the last 5 days.
  • 2
    @retoor I use chatGPT to know the name of the thing I actually need to search for (many times, you don't even know what the f you should even google).

    Once I know what I'm actually supposed to search for, whatever happens stays between me and Stack Overflow.
  • 0
    > Own your mistakes, learn to code while you still have time, before the chatbot actually catches up and makes you obsolete.

    Can't wait. What cyberpunk occupation will you choose? I'm becoming a neuro DJ. Sending musical impulse and drugz right into your brain as a work of art and aesthetic appreciation.
  • 1
    @IHateForALiving yes, I heard this from a colleague. It still makes me wonder because this person is smart. I think my looks of disappointment affected him though.
  • 0
    @IHateForALiving @tosensei that’s not serious. Those people should be put on improvement plan if not sacked
  • 0
    @PappyHans "those people" are usually the people in position to put others on improvement plans or sack them.

    the world of careers is like a sewer. the scum floats to the top.
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