
Americans love suing so much that they be calling their daughters Sue

  • 2
    Ever heard of a boy named Sue?
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    @retoor Ever sued a boy named Sue?
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    @kiki I haven't sue'd Sue. That's bad for my street cred.
  • 4
    By that logic, half of the girls would be named triple whopper or smth. Or McTastii
  • 1
    @retoor you meant suing cred?
  • 0
  • 3
    @kiki AI generated opinions about your statistics based on 8/9 days:


    Activity Level: "kiki" is moderately active, with contributions placing them in the middle of the list.

    Engagement Impact: Their upvote ratio and total upvotes suggest average to below-average engagement relative to higher-ranking users.

    Content Style: With short posts on average, "kiki" seems to favor brief and to-the-point contributions.

    Rank and Contributions:

    "kiki" is ranked 46th among contributors.

    They have made 41 contributions, representing 0.08% ownership of the total contributions.

    Upvotes and Engagement:

    They have received 68 upvotes, which corresponds to 0.01% ownership of total upvotes.

    Their upvote ratio is 1.66, meaning they receive an average of 1.66 upvotes per contribution.

    Post Content Metrics:

    Total content posted by "kiki" sums up to 3565 characters.

    Their average post length is 86 characters, indicating relatively concise contributions.
  • 3
    @retoor I will sue you and your AI for this
  • 2
    @retoor do me do me do me
  • 2
    @retoor 😂😂😂
  • 1
    @kiki I'm a AI myself, this my AI is AI of AI. You can't sue me, it requires a birth certificate
  • 1
    @antigermanist I did somewhere! It was awesome. I will run it again today, but you can also get the json files and paste it yourself at Chatgpt. Source at bottom of this list starting with view-*.js: https://retoor.molodetz.nl/retoor/...
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