
I fucking hate 2FA. I prefer not to be fucked when smth happens to my phone, a bigger chance than become hacked imo

  • 2
    2fa should never allow access to anything in itself, only supplement other safe credentials.
  • 6
    email 2fa made more sense than this phone nonsense

    I think the globalists just want to connect everyone's identities together. the info sec tools out there that do that are fucking creepy

    one use throw-away emails. extra password for the email login, but you also have to know which email it'll be sent to

    but no it's like these dumb passwords have to have symbols guidelines. 2fa hAs tO bE pHySiCaL. I own the damned email, don't it? digital property.
  • 4
    @jestdotty TOTP doesn't expose any extra information to the service provider, is easier to implement, and harder to hack. Providers that only support SMS despite all these arguments are definitely fishing for phone numbers.
  • 6
    And then there's Microsoft Fucking Authenticator, which modifies _security policies_ on the phone where it's installed, but because it can't be used to contact me employers feel comfortable asking me to install it on my personal phone.
  • 5
    The worst being phone number. When I was a nomad I almost lost EVERYTHING (and I mean everything) because my carrier blocked my number for not being in the country.
  • 4
    So my throw away google account is warning me I might lose my throw away google account if I don't give them a phone number. lol

    Hint: all my google accounts are throw away to be honest.
  • 2
    and yes, that include my virginity btw
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