
What can be built to solve parking problem in America ? Its really hard to find parking spaces. Especially in downtown areas, either its too expensive and free parkings are hard to find

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    Ever heard of "Public transport"?
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    destroy the sub urbs
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    > What can be built

    a car shredder. In every parking lot. If you leave your car for longer than 1 hour -- it's automatically shredded.
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    @max19931 To be fair, I would be wary of taking public transport if every neck-bearded weirdo could just walk into Tesco and buy a machine gun.
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    What if there were a way to secure convenient parking spots right from an app? Think of it as a solution for those longer trips when public transport isn’t ideal. This service could help connect people looking for parking with owners of private spaces, allowing them to rent by the hour. It’s a win-win: travelers get hassle-free parking, and property owners make some extra income.
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    @netikras 50 minute workday it is then! A car nearly always has a minimal worth of 500 in parts if not damaged. It's better that the car goes to them if parked longer than a hour so you have money for the bus, train and a sandwich during the half hour on your rental public transport bicycle every day

    @ishank-dev good idea but people are unreliable and it's still quite a hustle unless you can find someone that allows you parking there daily. Public transport is never ideal compared to just driving. Only valid reason to go with it while having a car is the parking spot issue. I regularly took the bicycle because else I would loose my good parking spot and had to find a new one, often a place few hundred meters away from home. I only like to cycle < 30 minutes, more than that, I take car. Here in Europe they're working on car free cities and removing roads and parking spot. You see them disappear. In netherlands we don't have smog cities so what's the reason for this inconvenience
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    @donkulator nobody would fire at a bus, they're always full of students and losers. It would be mean to shoot at them. Here it's almost impossible to get a machine gun anyway. Drugs on the other hand, any type of drug is delivered faster than your pizza driver. They actually tested this with cocaïne

    @max19931 yes, heard terrible things about it. Expensive as fuck around here also. Public transport can equal your rent and we're famous for expensive housing as well I do have to say, public transport is quite structured here, I think less issues than most countries. Dutch are bit like Germans regarding being on time
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    Shoot them!
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    @retoor I got an email from my senator yesterday. He was saying that the drug trade is enabled by the federal government. Before the current admin we had 20 people die from fentanyl in a year. We are 200 per year now. Just one drug.
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    @Demolishun yeah, I'm so scared that that drug will hit the Netherlands one day. Netherlands currently is a paradise comparing to stuff i see what that drug did to London / parts of America. We did have a heroin pandemic in the 70's that got resolved by spreading methadon for addicts making them functional again. I've never tried heroine because I've heard that no drug is like it and hate needles. Imagine fyntanyl 40 times stronger. It must feel amazing indeed, trying it is like with every drug, you can lose from it and do it frequently. From this one is the change to lose very high and nobody uses to become addicted right. America should pressure China to do smth about it and should also say to Mexico that they should check what they export, else no import anymore. Murica is with 70% or so Mexico's biggest importer. These are real issues that really makes people suffer. Who thinks about climate instead is crazy. Caring about climate is #1 first world problem. The luxory
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    @ars1 no, we don't let them get away that easily
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    @jestdotty what you say is true, I'm sure that it's not to imprison us. What would the advantage be and why they would take away our goods. What do we have to do for it? Pay more? That they want that nobody leaves their house is already clear. Soon not your neighborhood. They just want less traffic on the streets and they're bullying to make it possible. I think less traffic and smog is only target, not having the option to lock us up in mind. Why people don't understand that some people prefer to be outside with other people
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    "little prison cell blocks"

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    @jestdotty they're already doing that, prices are crazy. You must drive a lot to make gass more expensive than the parking spot. Gas is not the issue of this situations. Parking further away from your destination prolly is cheaper when it comes to gas
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    @jestdotty i think the way american cities are at the moment is much more isolating. Imagine kids needing to drive every where by car. What a hell. I went everywhere i wanted by bike. Also travelling by train far is great. It isnt about removing cars either. Just cars for short commutes. At the current state a families may have two cars just to commute to work.
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    @jestdotty I don't think becoming slaves is a side thingy, not the main goal. Main goal is money, if there was a different way than makes us slaves, they would've done that. People more greedy than evil and I'm quite positive of the good will of average person
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    @retoor try not paying income taxes. Now tell me you are not a tax slave.

    I truly believe TPTB are willing to burn down whole cities to create 15 minute cities.
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    @jestdotty in debt because eating chicken.. How can someone eat himself in debt. That's only possible if life was too expensive already. Let me guess, does have the newest iPhone, an Audi a Playstation? Everyone should make enough for food
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    @Demolishun I'm fine with tax, but why so much. We're si proud to be one of richest countries. How could you be proud if making the government rich by getting screwed. People here are not rich at all but on average most are doing well to very well. Very rich or very poor is both not that common
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    @jestdotty if we would be locked up with rats these days, they would eat us, dead already by starving, instead of we them. We ended up lower in the food chain. Sad story, smth is fundamently wrong with people. What survival mode is left in us
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    @jestdotty starving on food is the worst thing I can imagine. Rather debt than being hungry all the time. If you don't have money for food, the easiest way is going in debt to get it but it's extreme
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    @jestdotty do amphetamine. It's cheaper and you barely need to eat anymore. On top of that it's fun with coding. You should buy it now, all those advantages..
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    @jestdotty what do you work on now?
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    the problem is that cars as the main mode of transportation is an unsustainable model. there is not enough space, traffic will always be shit and you're kinda stuck having to use a car anyway because you don't have a reliable alternative. if people invested in public transportation and walkable spaces it would be much different, but y'know, lobby, politics and stupidity in the way
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    @jestdotty what database do you use?
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    @jestdotty I feel good myself since a few months. Won't work soon tho, I enjoying current time way too much. I'm sure that it can be years before I have so much time as now again, so let's not start to soon. It's sad to spend all my energy on work while feeling good again.

    You need to relax, but you can't force that. It's like being worried that you can't sleep and can't sleep because you worry about it. A new hobby / interest could kickstart your brain.

    Sudoku is fun, why don't you write your own sudoku solver in the best possible way? That tincludes making multiple versions and stuff. Nice project
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    @darksideofyay they're here working hard on walkable car free cities.

    Car became drama, it's way worse than ten years ago on the road. You would think that homeworking resulted iin way less cars on the road
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    More motorcycles... electric preferably.
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