You graduate together with your peer who was in your same class and same group. Both of you apply for a job. They get the job and you don't because "At our company we have high standards".

What the fuck is that supposed to mean? I'm more capable than my colleague and they themselves know it. Such logic these days.

  • 1
    how about... you ask them?
  • 2
    Maybe I’m reading too much into it but could it be that they are playing mind games with their applicants to test how they react to stupid reasoning to filter out people who just accept it and give up?
  • 1
    @tosensei don't ask them. then they'll think you're violent. also what if they know they're full of shit and you asked -- then they'll get violent instead!

    in either case there will be violence
  • 0
    probably social skills or "culture fit" and that guy is just more similar personality-wise to the company

    sounds like a dick comment though. I'd feel like I dodged a bullet. another reason could be that guy is easier to bully and manipulate and you weren't. seriously who says something like that? lol
    literal mean girl shit
  • 0
    @jestdotty I agree, might as well strike first.
  • 0

    Go to their HR with a black zoot and a violin case and say "look, I do not do threat, I just act on them first and I give no warning". Preferably nowhere near any microphone.
  • 0
    And then show your big fat genitals. That's how I got my job.
  • 1
    (I'm head of HR)
  • 0
    @jestdotty Funny enough it was a girl who replied. :D
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