
What you doin' with a time machine? I mostly just use my time machines to tell time.

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    visit secret cults / clubs that have happened throughout history and be a fly on the wall (and not murdered, hopefully)
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    @jestdotty yay i want to visit the cathars (they were gnostic, for them we were living in hell already so we had to be nice with each other. We killed them for that), the neo-adamites (medieval nudist cult), the illuminatis, manson's family, the unabomber's house. All the great
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    @Demolishun Seriously though what is this bout?
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    Life's great. I do not have much to change. I would watch into future. 20 years or 50 years. I do not know what to expect from future.

    Quality of living almost can't be better, i'm already a tiger trapped in the zoo.

    Even regarding transport, what's there still to make? Will there be ever something better than the concept of a car? A thing that you can drive yourself where ever you want? Only flying or teleporting would be better.

    I want to see future pure for technology, to see if we replace phones with something else. Same for laptops that are already affected hard by phones. I know people with only a phone.

    Finance would also be interesting in future. Will an ice cream be 50,-? Or do we ditch the whole system and start over? Will we still be democratic?

    Will Belgium be cancelled? Will the beauty of my projects discovered and will i be remembered then like a extra racist Thierry a Davis? He said that he was the best while it's ,maybe true. That's awesome
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    As I slowly fade away, the timeline in which you died no longer exists.

    You're welcome!
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    The future belongs to the princebishopship of Luik.
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