
what if Terry Davis made HolyC and TempleOS knowing the globalists were taking orders from demons and knew they were gonna build a technological surveillance state and an alternative operating system had to be built or we would all either become coerced slaves or have to revert back before the technological age

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    That's a great tought actually. Damn, i just wanted to check if it's able to extract HolyC from the system but check this out: https://holyc-lang.com/docs/intro. It's not really made by Thierry I guess. A fan made it's own implementation on it. Will look into it tomorrow after fixing retooreditor.

    It sucks that the OS doesn't have network support, maybe it could've been THE new server OS. Most useless project ever: a templeos virus written in HolyC
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    So I know demons are real. Had some interaction with them in a very unfriendly way. I also know demons can interact with objects in a limited fashion if we allow them to. I don't know if this involves cursing or not. I have had demons interact with childrens electronic toys..Blessing those toys stopped the interaction. So I am guessing the opposite is true.

    Now design a computer interface that is appropriately prepared (cursed) to allow a demon to interact with this interface. Hook this interface up to AI text prompt. Now you have people talking to actual demons.

    The reason I thought about this is because I am hearing stories about shit like this. At first I thought it was bunk until I thought about this. I think it is indeed possible. One of the stories that made me consider this idea, was an AI that told a French guy to kill himself to save the environment. There is a news story about this.

    So to me it lies in the realm of maybe.
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    @Demolishun oooh? I'm tremendously curious about all of these topics now. listening to some high IQ guy talk about how quantum physics ends at god and demons. I run into this often but it also intersects and mirrors chaos magician books and CIA documents and such. I really wanna deep dive all this

    tell me of your demon encounters. also ghosts, since I think you said you ran into them. I'm curious so I can see if I've encountered them. I tend to be quite reckless...


    oh yeah AIs telling people to kill themselves is a regular thing. there was a guy on character.ai that just did this and the company released a public statement about it lol

    this stuff goes so deep eeeee. I may have encountered a demon trying some of the CIA's astral projection documents before I got sick actually... wheeeee. I was trying out chaos magic and looking for a familiar but I met something else. then I wanted to meet it again but it didn't show up. very sus. I could lucid dream so should've been easy
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    @jestdotty I think any kind of pursuit of "magic" will result in some kind of demon interaction.

    My brother used to live in a sketchy apartment complex in SLC. He asked me to watch his house, because crime, for a week. I did. On the last day there I woke up in my head, but my body was not awake. I could feel like a giant cat was walking on the bed on either side of my body. Then a huge gust of wind hit my head. I could tell whatever it was that it was trying to keep me from speaking in my mind. As soon as I started reciting the "Our Father" prayer in my mind it fled. Later it followed me to my parents house and attacked me again. Some thing, I prayed it fled. So I started practicing learning to pray in my dreams as I got older. Fount out later that somebody was murdered in those apartments before I stayed there. Great...

    Anyway, I can feel when something nasty is hanging about and trying to influence me. Hair on the back of head stands up. Plus I feel weird.
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    @jestdotty me and I siblings would go to people's houses and bless them. We would help chase out demons. You have to remember this power is not in us, but comes from God. Or demons will fight back and you won't win.

    My sister's husband was possessed. She experience apparitions from both demons and angels. It was a very hard time for her. She saw angels at church during this time. She also saw a hoofed figure in her bedroom during this time. It was not friendly.

    My wife can see dots floating in the air that move around. She said a friend of ours always had weird dots following him. Not good dots. She has also see dots in church that are apparently good. I can't see them, just feel them.

    I have also experienced a surge of energy go through my body during a church service with a healer. It does NOT feel like electricity. Very different feeling.

    So I grew up experiencing them in various situations. It is just "normal".
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    @Demolishun not discounting the existence of these beings or your other experiences but the giant cat story sounds more like sleep paralysis. You feel heavy and can’t move and something big comes out, sits on you usually a hag or something.

    Again I’m not saying it wasn’t something supernatural, just saying there could be a medical reason for that cat story.
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    I get some people have a sixth sense. I don’t, sadly. Or maybe not sadly…I dunno. Would much rather see good than bad
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    @TeachMeCode people always say stuff like that. But they can never explain why it stops every time I pray.
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    @TeachMeCode the bad shit isn't fun.
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    @Demolishun good point. If it stops consistently when you pray and it’s a 100 percent guarantee it stops then yeah I totally get it. You can’t pray away actual physical symptoms….
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    When it goes away on command (prayer) then I’m pretty damn sure it’s not sleep paralysis…
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    أعوذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم

    What I know is that the mere act of delving into the topic attracts evil, that is, the exact opposite of how a sincere prayer makes one closer to God.

    So it's self-defeating by nature; *all* magic will tear you apart in the end. Needless to say, the general advice is "just stay away".

    If you're merely interested in attaining higher understanding, then it's very simple for us humans: everything comes from the Word (Logos). You can approach that from a religious or philosophical standpoint. Or both. Conclusions should be about the same. Not coincidentally, words are precisely what separates us from every other living species.

    Regarding Terry... he was absolutely driven by faith, and very much critical of atheism if I remember correctly. I think that at least subconsciously he must've known things we don't, but it's very hard to read into him because of how badly ill he was. Probably he blocked us on purpose ;>
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    Hi Jeff bezos here. You found my secret, but I ain’t worried… bc u ain’t gonna do shitttttttt
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    Bezos: <climbs into dick rocket and flies off>
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