
What do you dream about?

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    Satanists and cannibals praying together to fuck knows what
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    I dunno weird stuff. Like people stealing my laptop and shit. Or losing my car.
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    Normally I've gone somewhere without my wife's permission and I'm frantically trying to get to where I'm meant to be and/or think of an excuse.

    Last time it was Leeds, for some reason.
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    You mean like wishes or dreaming when sleeping?
    (is it maybe the difference of "dreaming of" and "dreaming about"? A native speaker please clarify!)

    For the former, I dream about a world with fewer idiots and assholes.

    For the latter, I dream of a lot of weird shit that I mostly forget right after waking up.
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    fuck I can't remember

    with all the brain stuff my ability to remember my dreams has been wonkers. I think now I have more abstract dreams than I did in the past. like I'll literally dream about abstract representations of problems instead of any specific problems. before I'd at least be on alien planets or some shit
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    Hunting down demons with a big fucking sword, theme song and all.
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    Very rarely but I this night: sucking pp. I rarely dream about stuff like this

    Other dream: I pee and it feels really good, then I realize I'm in bed and wake up. Didn't pee in real life. Bit scared for it tbh

    Another dream: I meet a guy that can build things with x material and it's fun. Later I hear about him he's mentally handy capped and from that moment I see it for myself. Don't know what the point or that dream was
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    yesterday I dreamt that a hot girl was willing to cheat on her husband and sleep with me.

    I was running all over the place, I'm telling ya.

    Bizarre dream tbh.
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    today I dreamt that my roommate, who has since moved out, was trying to get in my room and I was trying to keep him out

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    Yesterday I dreamt 'bout a hound headed demon/person biting chunks out of a b... yeah... maybe it's too graphic for devrant. wtf's wrong with me? I need fixing
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    why can't I dream about a pretty thing for once for fuck sakes
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    @kobenz sounds like actual demonic attack. I had to learn to pray in my dreams to stop them in my dreams.
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    @Demolishun The weapon of the believer is supplication ^^
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    @Demolishun there's a big rational explanation behind it, I think, since whenever I'm not on mood stabilizers I don't get those dreams
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    @SidTheITGuy is it extra hot if the girl has a husband already? You'd feel even better?
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    @kobenz that sentence could be easier, especially made by a programmer
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    @SidTheITGuy eww cheating is so unsexy
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    Food. So much food last night!
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    a world where people with no technical expertise are forbidden from making any technology-related decision whatsoever.
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    @tosensei Shit. That'd be me out of a job then.
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