I swear YouTube has become the new Twitter

it keeps recommending to me so much drama I've never heard of. this name that, career ruined, things are stealing from you! new outrage machine

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    most of social media is The Outrage *Industry*.

    Who is screwing who. Who ripped off who. Who said what about who.

    Drama turns everything to shit.

    Why so many people turn up, tune out, and drop out.
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    You failed to train the recommendation algorithm correctly :)
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    @Lensflare yes, when I want to watch some dev related video I open them in incognito because I don't want them to fuck up my perfect cat videos algorithm
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    Btw, youtube is shit and all but at least it’s possible to remove specific videos from your feed and to say that you don’t want to see content like this. Not sure how effective that is, though.
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    @cafecortado Totally get it! Gotta keep the sacred cat video feed pure—no coding chaos allowed in that algorithm
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    @Wisecrack yes indeed, I tuned out, way too late. I did let all that stuff that has nothing to do with me affect me too much. It's literally made to confuse you.

    @Lensflare there are videos I AlWAYS click on and are subscribed, youtube doesnt show them, also no bell. I have to search for it. Their base algorithm is more important than preferences
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    @retoor In my experience youtube starts suggesting more of videos similar to those that I click in the recommendation list.
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    @Lensflare yes, it does that to me also, what is nice, but it's in place or the content that I'm subscribes too
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    @Lensflare why are you blaming me. you're in fantasy-land if you think you have any control over the recommendation algorithm. why would they give you that power? do you blame yourself for the recommendations media gives you? I hope so, that would be hilarious
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    "so much drama" - sounds completely up your alley, tbh.

    but YDI for giving a shit about algorithmic recommendations in the first place.
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    @tosensei don't see why
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    @jestdotty the obvious implication was "cause you're a drama queen"?
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    @tosensei well that's a very boring insult. thought you had some thought in it
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    @jestdotty i tried to make it easy enough for you to understand. sorry i failed at that.
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    @tosensei it's not good to fashion yourself for other people. then you lose yourself
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    ah, the golden days of recommendation bombing:

    Go into any public place, play any absurd shit, and ruin the youtube recommendations of everyone on the same IP.
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    @Wisecrack so that’s where all this kinky shit in my recommendation list is coming from! 😂
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