
every day i am closer to the edge of a complete mental collapse and crashout. my bullshit tolerance no longer exists. like a bee, i sting anyone who bullshits with me after I tried being fair first. i am getting more dangerous for myself and others.

what do you think, a person who isnt rich, but is mentally unstable, is capable to do, since he has nothing else to lose?

  • 5
    Bees die when they Sting
  • 6
    you mean.. what are you capable of?

    nothing, really. except taking disturbingly huge craps that are a clear-as-day indicator of health problems, but being too dumb to visit a doctor.

    although maybe that's just another hallucination, like your "hot blonde ex". either way: go to a doctor.

    i reckon your bullshit-tolerance is so low cause you yourself are so full of it. figuratively AND literally.
  • 5
    You've already had the mental collapse. We're just figments of your imagination.
  • 2
    I believe they would call that a terrorist in a sane society
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    @jestdotty xactly but in tofays society everyone is mentally fucked in their own fashion
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    @tosensei i am invincible
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    @b2plane prove it by jumping off of something tall.
  • 1
    You tried to sting everybody but it isn't working as you expected. So maybe you should go back to being nice.
  • 1
    @cafecortado never going back to being nice ever again all of the women are whores. Tate was right all along. you can either love a woman or understand a woman but u can't do both. i used to love them. now i can only understand them. they are my worst enemies. all women are the purest form of evil. it all started from the garden of eden
  • 1
    He became the villain.
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    @Tounai pretty sure he started as the villain.
  • 1
    @cafecortado ew, nice guys

    that just gets you repressed anger issues

    you either use the anger to power something useful for you or it will fuck you up

    @b2plane is looking like he's teetering into self destructive anger. gotta find a fruitful outlet
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    @jestdotty I tend to repress anger most of the time but then explode suddenly when nobody expects
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    @cafecortado well at least you're getting it out

    passive aggressive people are annoying, they'll be destructive and deny they're doing anything. they lose touch with themselves as they shit on everything around them. like having a bad luck charm around
  • 2
    Just remembered that one of the characteristics of some serial killers is a fascination with feces. Do you know who else has a fascination with feces? Javascript devs.
  • 1
    @Demolishun if I ever get a job writing primarily javascript I am gong to have to create a new user on devrant...
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