Hey everyone in all seriousness I am gonna be out of the dev field now - hopefully forever. I’m back in school now and hopefully will become employed in emergency response. Before dev, I have had jobs where I could directly help people with their troubles and I could reduce a lot of chaos. I really enjoyed it and I want to kind of steer my life back towards that. I find that while I was an employed dev, I felt like I was contributing a lot towards corporate greed, this wealth gap problem, and a bunch of other stuff. It all felt morally wrong (to me - not judging here). I also felt the worse I have ever felt in a job - constantly burned out, depressed, lonely, sleep deprived, and almost even ashamed of myself of how I constructed my life thus far. I had some good times meeting some cool ass people in some cool ass places tho.

Now, even though I’m still sleep deprived and EXTREMELY poor, I’m very happy now. I am excited to start this thing I’m more passionate about. It feels good to not feel my head hurt every day from trying to fix shit that will always break anyways. I feel so relieved to be away from the meaningless turbulence of it all. Just wanted to share my lil success here!!

  • 10
    Maybe it will be fun again on the side. Don't be a stranger here. You are "one of us" even if you our paths deviate. So when you are doing emergency response you can think about the guy who wrote the algorithm to guide the vehicle to the destination. ;-)
  • 7
    Best of luck mate. Dev is a lot of fun and can be great, but the industry is rotten for the most part. The few that aren’t scumbags usually don’t get very far.
    You’ll be fine!
  • 5
    Follow your heart. You may not have much money, but you will be rich with experience and purpose. Bon voyage!
  • 2
    Good luck!
  • 2
    Good for you OP
  • 2
  • 2
    You're gonna be kissing a lot of corpses as a paramedic
  • 5
    @MammaNeedHummus as a medic, I promise to give everyone who dies in my care a Viking funeral 🫡
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