
i never took any drugs in my life

  • 7
    trust me you have taken drugs, you just dont know yet
  • 5
    You sound like a spirit reflecting on their regrets. My condolences

    Also, never had a pain med? 'Drugs' is a very broad term
  • 3
    what a loser
  • 1
    So the drugs which let you forget are working well.
  • 3
    @SidTheITGuy ur just a smelly indian transvestite
  • 1
    @Lensflare exactly i give soooo much less shits now
  • 1
    @MammaNeedHummus my soul is dead a long time ago im just floating around for years
  • 1
    @superdupernova could be but i still couldnt give a shit
  • 2
    Life is long. I recommend amphetamine for programming. Coke is overrated and too expensive. XTC is great, but you won't have the focus to program (but you think you do :P). 3mmc is good to code on. Weed - no idea if you can code on it (I'm a Dutch that doesn't like weed). MDMA kinda same as XTC regarding coding.

    I hope you follow up on my great tips :)
  • 0
    no coffee?

    must be a sad existence.
  • 1
    @retoor > 3mmc is good to code on

    Do tell more please.
  • 1
    @nemetepst don't do it, it's addicting. I know only one person that tried and never did it again. But it makes you super sharp, you'll sit for hours programming. A few days you're rocking but then you get bit stupid.

    It's good that 3mmc became illegal. What a drug. It kills you ten times harder than amphetamine does. Amphetamine is my favorite. Quite subtile, 3,- per gram. Nobody notices it
  • 1
    @retoor jeez, you seem to be a real drug expert! 😅
  • 1
    @Lensflare experimented a lot in tought. I also tried 8 different types of mushrooms and once ate them with friends in a tree to be as close with nature possible. It was hollow. This was when the fresh ones were still sold in Netherlands, before a tourist jumped of a roof. It's still possible to get - but you have to grow yourself. Takes six weeks. They even give guarantee to that it'll grow, else you get a new grow kit. They're 30,- or so and enough for two persons? It was a lot of them in a growkit if IIRC. No, it's IMPOSSIBLE to program using them. I tried to connect a DVD player and failed for reference
  • 1
    @retoor Interesting, thanks for the info. You sound like an experienced substance user. (this is meant as a compliment)

    Also you mentioned experimenting with mushrooms: Did you ever try taking a micro doses for extended period of time?
  • 0
    @nemetepst no didn't micro dose, that's against depression right?

    Mushrooms are also called flesh of god. But in reality, a mushroom is the pp of mycelium and I think it recently god classified as animal again. Mycelium is a white thread under the ground connecting the mushrooms. Electronic pulses go trough it. It's a kinda neural network. Scientists can't decide if plant or animal
  • 1
    @retoor I've heard of that, but never met anyone that confirmed it.

    And yeah mycelium is wild, calling it a flesh of god is quite accurate :p
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