
democrats make it hard for businesses in the US but at least they acknowledge how rabid their country's capitalism is. I mean, damn, some more trump and it might fast track that cyberpunk dystopia we all know is at the curb

  • 1
    Except instead of japanese it will be chinese mega corps
  • 4
    tbh, does anyone still give a crap about that craphole country?
  • 2
    Politicians are the new saints.
  • 0
    @jestdotty which is incomparable.
  • 0
    @jestdotty It is not, but discussing this with you is devoid of purpose.
  • -1
    @Ranchonyx yikes


    careful, nationalism is not looked upon fondly by the German government

    (and that's not a joke, that's what I was alluding to originally)
  • 1
    @jestdotty i don't give a crap about that craphole country, either.

    but at least this one doesn't shout "i'm the greatest country in the world" all the time. only a small part of the inhabitants is that delusional; it's not the core part of the national identity to be pretentious bigmoughts.
  • 2
    @tosensei that's cuz Germany's been lobotomized by the US after WW2
  • 0
    @kobenz nah. germany's been lobotomized by the nazi fucktards who were responsible for WW2.
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