
thank you

  • 16
    I seriously had a moment where I questioned if I was having a stroke midway through reading that.
  • 8
    @AmyShackles yeah it doesn't make any sense, right? ...right?
  • 4
    I tried translating it with deepl and the translated text was even more garbage.
  • 2
    I remember this meme. I cannot remember where I saw it for the first time though. It was probably related to video games.
  • 8
    It says you shouldn’t swallow the spoon too deeply even if you originally planned to, even if you’re okay with making a strong commitment and effort to resemble those who can swallow the spoon as deep as they like without any repercussions.
    — Kiki, your batshit crazy guide to even crazier things
  • 3
    Only a Chinese person would understand
  • 3
    Spoons spoons everywhere are spoons,

    Don't do this, don't do that, hey can't you see the far even?!

    To the tune of the song Signs.
  • 1
    @AmyShackles stroke inducing
  • 4
    I think whoever gave this to the typewriter was having a spoon up their throat themselves.
  • 1
    @jestdotty if you ever feel sad there's a place in hochelaga (i think on ontario east) after the olympic village that sells topless breakfast.

    My girlfriend liked it a lot there
  • 1
  • 3
    This post gave me a fucking headache
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