
js amiright

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    Also French
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    Someone lazy used lodash then left the company so now there is that. MomentJS used on the legacy part but datefns on more modern part.

    Some mf imported the whole library to use that single method! No documentation on official website.

    Oh and there is that open source fork of open sourced library, there is some additional functionality in the fork but also not documented.

    Assets for icons from library, also from icon font. Images for dashboard from assets folder, some from contentful. User uploaded images are some on contentful, some on cloudinary, but having 2 cloudinary api keys.

    First day on the job? Here's the sword. Defend yourself!
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    Babel is the only reason anyone is able to write the de-jure standard ES and not the de-facto standard subset that all browsers implement identically.
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    @lorentz I use de-jure with no babel, fight me
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    @devJs why use date-fns or any date library for that matter? I just use native date api, pretty easy to do

    a lot of formatting done with date-fns can be done with toLocaleString and a correct locale
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    @kiki to cater to designers when they want to give vague information like "few hours ago".

    For everything else, I agree with you!
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    I dare say Babel is the unwanted child of a language with a severe FOMO problem and no clear governing body.

    Maybe when they realize that they should keep JS where it belongs, all that tomfoolery will cease.
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    @CoreFusionX Unfortunately for as long as people keep writing and publishing what's functionally equivalent to compiled binaries instead of adopting a source language and compiling to the interop standard, there will be demand for new high level features and syntax sugar in the standard.
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    the irony is that we do compile to JS, only when faced with the question of what source language should be used, the overwhelming majority of devs pick "JS with a handful of extra features" or "JS with a type checker" so most alternatives have little to no ecosystem supoort
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