Where do I find out if my work laptops hardware is compatible with Linux?
Edit: without installing Linux and seeing what happens

  • 3
    I've never met a laptop that did not have support for every component.

    No if that support is any good is a different story. Some drivers are better than others.
  • 9
    Many distros have a "livecd" option, where you can boot from the CD (just aged the fuck out of myself), or a USB drive. You can test drive these distros without committing to using them full time - great opportunity to figure out hardware compatibility. https://distrowatch.com is your friend.
  • 2
    @lungdart I feel like judt going for it and asking for forgiveness afterwards.
  • 2
    yeah live USB and check

    when you install you can install from the live USB so technically that's checking if it works before installing it

    stuff can still be different between them, but that's kind of esoteric
  • 2
    @nosoup4u Right thanks a lot. Ive completely lost this posibility. Gonna do that now
  • 2
    @Chewbanacas RIP free time for the next bit as you distro hop, amirite? Been there, done that all too often myself. I'll say though, that if you find a good one that's got the packages you want, but aren't crazy about the DE, you can always download a new one and use that instead.
  • 0
    What Linux you're gonna try?

    I always had xps/some other dell/ThinkPad. All worked with Linux out of the box
  • 0
    Has CPU?
    Has screen?
    Has keyboard?
    Has storage medium?
    Runs linux.
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