This can't go on any longer. Microsoft needs to disband. This company is the incarnaction of the demon-guys who make this diarrhea enrgyy drink in Devil May Cry. Wher's Dante when you need him?

  • 3
    they're funneling all your personal data to the USA government and tons of politicians got rich off its stock (which means they can't move the money without paying taxes)

    so no

    not gonna happen

    even though they have no market edge and basically no useful products
    and they're just an annoying anti competitive monopoly
  • 1
    What did MS do now?
  • 3
    @retoor almost deleted my thesis. Locked the word file because I didnt upload it into junk drive. Almost got me a heart attack because it’s due in a week. Said fuck it, switched to latex
  • 1
    I am *a* Dante, actually دانتي, but certainly not __the__ Dante. So I am here, when you need me, however I don't believe I can be of assistance.

    Have you tried unplugging it and plugging it back in?
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