
Uno reverse card

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    I don't want competitive. I want better.
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    @jestdotty my current company is located on streets with financial sounding names. When I got to the interview I started with: "Sorry I am late. I got lost in Junk Bond circle." My interviewer smiled and laughed. I was also, not late.

    Taking an existing reality and applying a twist or different way of looking at the reality can be humorous.

    For instance, in the movie Top Secret Val Kilmer is visiting a scientist in a lab. The scientist describes an invention to cheaply desalinate water. Val Kilmer responds with: "We will never run out of salt." Which is not the first thing you think of when removing salt from water.
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    @Demolishun I like how you basically explain to @jestdotty how to find something funny 😂
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    @Lensflare it is one type of humor. You get better at it as you go. Your brain starts to look for alternate patterns. I am sure there are other types.
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    "a lot of shit I say is hilarious to myself but not to others. so it seems more complicated than just surprise idk" I recognize that sentiment. My autist brain was like "I got one formula. I will share." lol. That is really funny.
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    that's called a deadlock
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