
I was tone policed and constructively dismissed from my tech lead role.

  • 3
    Ouch that hurts
  • 1
    maybe u did something wrong?
  • 4
    constructively dismissed?
  • 0
    I made a button that says "Slow down a bit" when you press it too often.
  • 1
    Something you said or skin tone?
  • 3
    @SidTheITGuy ppl like me don’t last long in tech if we have a douchey attitude. I’ve been around over 15 years
  • 0
    @jestdotty obviously I don’t know the whole story, but personally I know that sometimes I can have tone without realising it, even when I look back on it I don’t realise the tone until it’s explicitly pointed out
  • 3
    @Lensflare Obviously legal definitions may vary, but constructive dismissal is generally where someone is treated so badly they have no choice but to resign.

    Things like not paying them, suddenly demoting them with no reason, failing to prevent bullying of them by other employees etc.
  • 2
    @matthewbdaly doesn't sound too "constructive"...
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