
This one's for you @TeachMeCode
It was on the outside of my doorwall

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    I keep those around to kill off ants

    Is that a banana its grasping? Name it spider kong
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    I want one too
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    I woke up to this on the ceiling above my bed

    I do not like it
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    @jestdotty oooh fire ant? It’s gonna be a bad time if it bites u
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    @jestdotty yesterday a spider, the same type as original pic, about 1.5inch in size slid down from the ceiling to about a foot away on the desk/tv-tray-esq thing next to my couch that holds my heavy(old) 17in laptop. I didnt have a chance to take a pic before killing it

    I dont like squashing bugs... not a vegan sort of thing, mainly just hate the exoskeleton crunch feel.
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    @TeachMeCode im curious as to what you think fire ants look like... it has apparently none of the traits of fire ants... are there even fire ants where u live?
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    @jestdotty though nearly a polar opposite to this thread... do you cook much? If so, anything against turkey, yams, green onion, spinach or spices? (i dont mean "spicy")
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    I killed this spider last year 😁

    Damn that was such an amazing game but fuck I wanted to see more Chief Mendez they really should’ve added more scenes
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    Final boss had such an epic as hell soundtrack, got it stuck in my head

    Anyone who complains about spoilers:
    I’ll add two more-

    Aerith dies to Sephiroth in ff 7 rebirth

    Darth Vader is Luke’s father
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    xrist! Wtf
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    @jestdotty I strongly suggest finding a live turkey bird, cutting its head off and wrapping it in a web. If you let it soak in the blood gushing out for a few days it will really enhance the flavor 🦃🦃
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    @jestdotty I’m a spicy and tangy eater myself. I go as bland as oatmeal when adderall kills my appetite before I get a chance to throw eggs and grated cheese blend on the pan.

    Sadly I might have a major acid reflux issue and on the fence about getting checked for gerd….like this morning i had a reflux heartburn episode just from sleeping on my stomach

    Eating “fun” foods over several years could’ve done that to me
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    @jestdotty actually... i created something awhile ago (early 20s) that, for whatever reason, i had an odd craving for. Originally the idea came from something my grandmother found on google... i may have been the cause of her turning her previously classic cooking (though not super health conscious... not like fried chicken bad... just comfort-food-esq) rather tumultuous... I think I was the first to explain how she could find new recipes, incl specific stuff like for reusing leftovers, online... i think i went a bit too light on the 'don't believe everything on the Internet' part and created a monster...

    Late teens i was at her house for a bit and some internet recipe she followed produced something horrid, 'burgers' with cheese, that were ground turkey and sweet potato. Yrs later, still stuck in my head like 'even with those main ingredients there's gotta be something not horrid.

    Now im not sure if it's just me or what i made is actually good... and i know youd be super blunt.
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    It sounds gross but the 1 other person who tried it said it was awesome and took some uncooked patties home (hes typically blunt/honest but has had questionable taste before)

    Recipe is:
    1lb ground lean turkey
    ~2/3lb cooked yam
    1/4c chopped onion
    2oz baby spinach
    2 eggs
    1tsp: black pepper, mustard seed, cumin, salt
    2tsp: paprika(normal, if smoked a bit less), turmeric

    Mix it all together very well.
    Should make about 8, relatively thin, patties (too thick and its way more time to cook)
    Uncooked they are kinda a pain in the ass since it's not really stiff. Refrigerated it's a bit easier but i just used an ice cream scoop to put it on a flat griddle or pan and smash it down a bit, froze the rest as patties with foil between.
    Low/med heat about 5-6min then flip for 3-4m.
    Lettuce makes me sick so i used pak choi leaves, ketchup and a bun (technically a thin multigrain bun-like thing)

    If you're bold enough to try it lmk. Ill even pay for the ingredients.
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    @jestdotty spider wolfman
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    @awesomeest are you posting these recipes in a spider rant bc you’re inviting spider man to dinner?
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    Not a banana, seems like a fruit fly larvae.

    Spiders are fucking awesome, and you should not kill them.

    They are more afraid of you than you are of them, so as long as you don't disturb them, they'll stay clear of you, and meanwhile, trap and eradicate any other insect pest in your house, which, in hot summer climates, is a fucking godsend.

    Also, usually (not always, but usually (looking at you, Australia)), the larger the spider is, the less likely they are to be venomous, and most species' chelicerae and smaller species' sting can not even pierce your epidermis anyway.
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    Yeah! Exactly which is why I let them live so they can let the other annoying ass insects die
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    Mmmm spider
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    Eating lizard
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    Jumping spiders are the coolest spiders. Apparently most are harmless (TM). However, in South America there is a large bright green jumping spider which is really really toxic. It can just like 5 or 6 feet.
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    me and that wolf spider baby had a whole thing going last night

    yeah seems once it noticed me it was scared as fuck of me

    I don't like how conscious it felt

    they're venomous too
    but not enough to harm humans
    buuut they apparently will also bite skin automatically if it's anywhere near them and it'll be red or something

    my bf wants me to name it
    so now instead of killing it I'm flirting with it being a pet
    apparently they live for several years?!
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    @jestdotty introduce it to your cat
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    @jestdotty wolf spiders have a necrotic bite like Recluses and Aggressive house spiders. BUT... it is nowhere near as strong as those two spiders. Necrotic bites are nasty btw. It causes the capillaries to constrict killing the skin. A bad bite can cause a lot of skin and tissue damage. However, a good physician will prescribe nitro glycerine patches. This opens the capillaries so the tissue can heal and not die.
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    It's not proven that Wolf spiders cause necrotic bites, or at least not the species outside Australia (duh) and south America.
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    @CoreFusionX their venom is necrotic. I have no idea if they can cause necrotic bites. Just like a black widow has a neurotoxin. It is the type of venom they have.
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    Ooo... maybe dont adopt or kill it... find a small sturdy-ish partially open container, give it a week's worth of supplies and leave it somewhere like lassie. Maybe months/years later you can go back and see if he made anything of himself.

    Oh you should include some small personal item of yours and your bfs... like a true send-off.
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    @awesomeest I SAW A MOUSE!! little guy was hiding under my cargo shorts


    I would freak out if it climbs inside the bowl
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    @awesomeest I’m keeping my feet off the floor bc if that fucking tiny fur ball starts scurrying past or across my feet or pokes its little nose out and sniffs my heel this grown man is going to shriek like princess peach!!!!
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    @TeachMeCode I want your ramen too
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    @retoor you and the mouse can go on a dinner date
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    It can be a ladies night out with @awesomeest and her spider and @retoor and her mouse
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    I can imagine you and @awesomeest at a restaurant

    awesomeest: spider, eat your sushi
    spider: braaaughhh blaggghh bloooooghhhh (feels the sushi with its leg hairs before wrapping it in a web and nibbling a bit)
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