
Oohhh, dropbox... You are pathetic.

I'm a long time dbx user. 10+ years ago they had a programme saying that each new dbx user created using my ref link [on different machines] grants me 500M or 1G of additional space in my acct. Around that time I used to actively fix/reinstall/setup others' computers, so I had an easy access to different machines. This way I boosted my dbx capacity to 27G. For free.

Since ~5 years ago dbx started spamming me with "you're almost out of storage" emails [I'm using ~80% of my 27G]. Annoying, but I understand - they have to keep with the sales. I can live with this occasional spam.

Now, since I got my new laptop, I'm setting up dbx on it. And dbx is SO desperate with their sales, that now they only allow sync on 3 devices max. I had to unlink other 17 devices I've ever logged in from before I could continue.

What's the next step of despair? Free accounts can only sync on weekends?

Come on. This looks ridiculous. Dropbox, get your shit together!

  • 5
    companies be getting desperate

    omens, perhaps
  • 7
    This is the rare occassion where I side with the company. You used their service for free for years. Used a whooping 27 gigs for free too. You can't complain even if they reverted you to 2 GB today. I mean, it's free?!
  • 3
    @daniel-wu nah they probably made a fortune training their ai models on OPs data, no reason to side with them
  • 1
    @jestdotty well offline storage is indeed cheap nowadays, but we are talking about online storage here. Hosting needs money. It isn't free. People who have paid hosting fee and domain name would understand.

    @Chewbanacas what if those data are simply cat videos? :-D
  • 0
    @jestdotty That's because many companies don't respect people's privacy these days, even though legally, they shouldn't be allowed to browse people's files without them, sell them or commercialize them. That's how facebook got sued several times.
  • 2
    That you're still using it @netikras, surprised me.
    Dropbox was dead 10 years ago
    Like easily compromised every other 6 months.
    No. It's not surprising me. Using Dropbox as an it literate is shocking.
  • 0
    @scor I don't use it for anything I would worry about being leaked. And it's quite handy to have my files easily accessible any time. For free. And I like that it's in my filesystem and sync'ed with state mgmt already sorted out.
  • 1
    Aye, @netikras
    Good luck then
  • 1
    @scor for all their success (they really did blow up briefly) you would think they would have invested in *some* security. What the hell happened for them to fall by the way side and just stop investing in their own product like that?

    Is this normal mega-corp behavior in the tech industry or something?
  • 1
    Yep, @Wisecrack. Happened quite quickly and well orchestrated / covered up. Just after Dropbox got somewhat known in the tech world, upper management was replaced or the entirety sold corrupted. A decade ago?
    Anyway. Passwords leaked, and so did folders. Large swathes of customers affected, no communications / proper cover ups and counter news were issued.
    You could read the greed between each line of their websites and help forums. Screaming at techies not to question &/ to stay away.
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