
fucking rude, that's what it is. Start chatting in a language not everyone in the room understands. It's also de quickest way to make me deslike you, even if I myself understand the language.


In my eyes it literally downgrade the speakers from humans to monkeys quasi permanently

  • 0
    Ah, yeah, fuck you Gboard for auto misspelling my rant
  • 2
    IDK, if you're doing it coz you want to call someone an asshole I'm OK with it
  • 0
    @atheist nope, don't even know who you are lol
  • 1
    Especially if the language is management bullshit.
  • 2
    Then get with the program and learn the language
  • 3
    it's funny cuz I notice this most often with brazilians

    on the other hand, I feel awkward if people are speaking Russian and think their convo is private and I'm just sitting beside them and hearing all their details and they probably didn't expect that...
  • 0
    I agree it seem rude.

    But it has to be said: this is part of the reason why some companies are reluctant to hire employees that don’t speak the native language - for a company in Iceland this is a non-issue as long as everyone speaks Icelandic - as soon as they hire a few people that don’t this becomes a potential concern

    There might be ideas of hiring english speaking devs are desperate to be hired - but this is a concern. Companies are afraid spontaneous conversations will be lost if everyone has to speak english
  • 1
    @jestdotty a lot of brazilians fall back to their language because majority of population didn’t get proper English education, but I also have seen a lot of russians speaking like nobody can understand them lol
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