
I cant believe the project I'm working on does not use kubernetes or terraform. Not even docker. How is this multi trillion dollar project even in business?

I feel so sad for not having the opportunity to work with one of the most fundamental and most important technologies to know as a devops engineer... So sad

I cant advance or improve. Im just stuck in their ecosystem like Apple

This corporation is probably ran by 90 year old grandpa men from world war 1. However considering they are so large and still in business this gives me hope that anyone can make it even if you're stupid

Think about it

They are proof that you can run a giant business with hundreds of employees, not use k8s and the most modern devops technologies, and still operate just fine.

The devops code i have to maintain is older than the amount of years i exist. Its very messy and most of this shit is not even devops related. Its more of some kind of linux administrative tasks mixed with 3 drops of actual devops (bash scripts, ansible scripts, ci/cd pipeline)

And yet im paid more than i have ever been paid in any job so far

What should i do. Stay due to "high" money or..ask for a project with k8s. I put "high" in quotes because it is extreme luxury in my shithole country, im now among top 1% earners of the country, and yet i make less than 30k a year. With less than 30k a year i cant buy a good car but i can live very comfortably in my country. I cant complain about this salary since i think its finally enough to invest to get a chance to earn more and still have enough left to live comfortably.

Before i was just working to survive. Now im working to live. Its an upgrade.

Due to not working with difficult stuff like k8s i cant demand for more money. It wouldnt feel justified. I'm stuck here

What would u do

  • 7
    Does the project need k8s?
  • 2
    id be happy, that the company is paying you, instead of a k8s cluster.
  • 4
    yes you can run giant businesses and not use software

    salary should depend on supply and demand. so if there's a lot of js developers then supply is high and demand goes to meet it and their salaries are lower. but for tech a company relies on and they can't find employees for the salary will be higher

    switching to new tech doesn't mean better paid. sometimes businesses will try to "Trojan horse" a tech into companies to have them enslaved to them, and this will boost salaries though
    otherwise it's old tech that companies built on top of and need someone to maintain, and if a lot of people know the tech then the salaries will be lower because supply of devs is not a problem

    leverage leverage leverage yada
  • 0
    @jestdotty i thought it makes sense the harder tech you work with the more you get paid?

    Imagine someone just working react.

    Now imagine someone working backend with kafka redis rabbitmq and stuff

    Or someone working devops with k8s docker terraform and cloud

    Why would some frontend guy be paid more?

    Even if demand is high i think anyone working with kubernetes should be a mininum of 3000€ a month salary
  • 1
    @b2plane react vs devops. Apples and oranges.
    Don’t even know why you’re comparing the two.
    You have some complex products built with react that justify high salaries.
    Working devops you’re not dealing with business rules and product owners and designers and QA people and all that. I’d even go far as to say it’s an easier job than just doing devops
  • 1
    @jestdotty your explanation brings some nuance to the debate.
    I especially "reacted" (get it?) to b2's dumb blanket statement "imagine someone just working react, now imagine…"
    As if frontenders only work with a single technology and because of that their job is super easy. First of all, most frontenders don’t only work with a single technology. And as I said they’re dealing with so many more dimensions than devops people have to deal with
  • 7
    isn't this more a sign that docker / k8 / whateverthefuck are totally unnecessary?
  • 3
    @fullstackcircus docker simplifies release management and development environment sharing. It's useful for most projects imo. Git gud.

    K8s is a solution to scaling problems. Do not use unless you have scaling issues ffs.
  • 2
    Let me guess, a Japanese company? Or a large corporate?

    Even if it's not, in most legacy projects, you won't be able to include any modern technologies. That's a given. Cause the leads and managements behind are there for more than a decade and are unwilling to learn anything new. They will do anything to stop you to protect their jobs. So no matter what you say, it's an impossible feat.

    I recently bailed out of such a job. It's good money but bad for the competitive future which is ever evolving.
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