
Hooooly SHIT, is Redux ever so extremely complicated.

  • 0
    Glad i skipped learning react and dived straight into nextjs. Learned it the hard way but still fuck react. Fuck js. Typescript + nextjs is the type shit js that should have always been that way
  • 3
    Probably that's one of the reasons that there are like 10 other major state management libraries.

    It works for large project, but boy, the amount of boilerplate it requires...
  • 1
    @b2plane you skipped react, the main thing nextjs is based on??
  • 1
    try usm-redux. its redux but wayy easier. here's the link: https://github.com/unadlib/usm
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    I use Pinia for state management, it's slightly more sensible I think.
  • 0
    Guys, thank you for your advice regarding other state management libraries, but in my case I must actually deal with Redux. I got help from a frontend-focused developer, it makes sense now... but it's still a lot of boilerplate, holy shit.
  • 0
    Redux toolkit seems fine. What boilerplate are you talking about?
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