
Cat of the day (mine, banana for scale)

  • 5
    Banana of the day (cat for scale)
  • 3
    What about legs of the day?
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    Mine is also tiny, I think it was her street cat youth that hindered her growth (got her when she was 3y already)

    Some data is needed, did you adopt yours when they were already an adult, @kiki?
  • 3
    @kobenz no, we rescued her from under a car when she was tiny. Her eyes were open though, so I think malnourishment as a tiny kitten contributed to her being so small now
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    @kiki > Our 'barn cat' rescue here is falling asleep, tipping over, waking up, <wash-rinse-repeat>, several times before he realized if he lays down flat, he can go to sleep.

    My daughter: "He never would have made it as a barn cat"
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