
Small people be like

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    Why is the Gatsby guy wearing the Dairy Queen mascot on his pants??? lol
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    Big people would go for htmx
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    Only shitheads dont use nextjs or angular
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    @TeachMeCode isn’t that Rolling Stones
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    Where's the guy doing it all by hand? Probably in the cemetery actually...
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    @cuddlyogre me, an overseer of these monkeys.
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    I use vue btw🧑‍🦲
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    I’m new to coding. When I decided to turn to this field, I didn’t know I’d be stepping into a war zone. Nobody agrees on what language to use! And even if they do, then what? It’s a framework war!!!
    What’s the next level of depth?
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    I like the guy arguing with himself about Elm.
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    @fumey use JavaScript and listen to no one.
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    @K-ASS you chose wisely. I can't imagine smth more intuitive than Vue. You can literally learn it in days. Only how to make your own v-model is smth to figure out. Also vuetify is awesome.

    BTW, cdn ftw!
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    I use that version of WPF that runs in a browser.
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    Nobody uses Astro yet? I guess it didn't gain traction
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