hey, i've got an idea

let's make the package format for browsers completely different than that of backend projects

fucking brilliant!


  • 1
  • 3
    @retoor commonjs vs ES modules... total cringe
  • 11
    The mistake was making js a backend language
  • 4
    Good morning I hate import\export so much it's unreal.

    Implementing something for the sake of doing it, because there was LITERALLY 0 NEED TO RUIN EVERYONE'S DAY, but of course we can't have shit that works, there MUST be some C#\Java developer coming up with new ways to do exactly what we have been doing for the past 10 years.
  • 3
    If you write typescript, fuck you. Not because I hate typescript, it's because I specifically hate you.
  • 3
    @IHateForALiving Here, take some WebAssembly and a big breath
  • 3
    You realise esm can be used on the backend as well?
    No reason to use that old commonjs/amd/umd mess anymore
  • 0
    @jestdotty then inform yourself better, because all these claims are wrong
  • 1
    @devRancid how you gonna mix commonjs with ES modules in a single node project? please entlighten us

    in before some crackpot method of hacking babel or webpack
  • 0
    Esm in node can import esm AND cjs out of the box
    And cjs can use dynamic import to load esm (also with a path created at runtime)
  • 1
    Was that not alternative or specific? How about you google it then 🤡
    Besides that you have a history of bs mediocre knowledge comments so I'm not gonna put more effort into it
  • 0
    @devRancid gaslights, then doesn't provide solutions

    and i'm the one with mediocre knowledge

    clown size detected = 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡
  • 0
    @devRancid also, maybe tell me how i can do goroutines in go?

    and while your at it, some decent AST tools for various languages (yeah, go google AST)

    oh, also, how do i add javascript libraries to a Magento PHP blocks?

    can you write me a react hook leveraging TypeScript to store the scroll position between pages?

    or maybe how to use reflection in C# to ensure that HTTP PATCH actions aren't malicious (attempting to modify readonly properties)

    or perhaps give me a classifyer in torch (python) that can tell me what job descriptions match closest to a list of professions

    shut the fuck up and sit down

    fuckin uppity trolls with no knowledge

    i've been doing this shit for a decade and i'm getting sick of clowns like you and sidtheitkid who strut around acting like top leetcoders because they wrote a for loop once on a Tuesday
  • 1
    U probably have a decade of experience sucking dicks, fuck off moron with these petty completely unrelated questions
    A decade of producing shit code and not learning is worthless just like ur entire existence
    How about u build a circus with @jestdotty instead? Already the 2 biggest clowns in town
  • 2
    This is great! 🍿
  • 1
    CommonJS was created before ES Modules as a solution to ES Modules not existing yet.

    Now, ES Modules are supported server side and are the preferred method.
  • 1
    @AlgoRythm yes, and if your devRancid, only YOU know how to mix them arbitrarily on the backend (but you won't share that information because your a 'big brain' developer and it's so obvious it's not even needed to be shared) lmao some of these 'devs' crack me up
  • 1
    "nooooo you can do this and that with imports vs require and there's the flag you need to manually activate for cjs and ejs modules to coexist and she took the kids and my father was right all along about me :("

    Instead of the long-ass list of things I need to do to make sure the things that are supposed to work continue to do so, I'd be very interested in the long list of problems solved by this migration from commonjs to native modules (there's none)
  • 0
    I've always thought this 😂😂😂 standalone babel and esm.sh actually let you do some pretty cool server like things in the browser though
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