  • 2
    If they wanted they could already do that tho? Net Neutrality is not that the companies can't charge money for a specific service but that ISPs have to treat all data equally.
  • 1
    Pretty sure Google came out against net neutrality and yes Google could do this anyway.
  • 0
    But there is nothing saying the ISP can't charge you extra for Search Engine Services (GOOGLE). Today they have to treat that data as any other data. But if/when it fails they can do whatever they want. Really hoping they really only mess with prioritizing data instead of chopping up the internet into add on shit like TV packages. I think prioritization is guaranteed but I think the later is a low possibility.
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    Rick and Morty ♥️
  • 1
    @daegontaven lmao you're (personally) forgiven
  • 0
    @daegontaven who's ajit Pai again?
  • 0
    @daegontaven He is the worst but IF he's even associated with India (pretty sure he was raised here), our country made him awful. No fault of India for sure.
  • 0
    @codePatrol Pretty sure he wasn't raised, he was built. And not within any sovereign state...
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