Went to an old employer to drink coffee and talk about an opertunity. During nice talk he mentioned that he can see that I've had a rough time and got what slower. Maybe too slow to still do this kind of job / project. It's my freaking medication :(. It's a great employer and great boss. Really want to make it work.

It hits hard when someone that liked you a lot says that you became slower. Yes, I'm dead inside. Now hire me and let me fix that.

BTW, it's Java. I'm at least faster than the interpreter

  • 3
    Medication never fixes anything just masks a problem. Fix that first. Or don’t fix it and become president of the USA.
  • 2
    @helloworld nah, Trump is way faster than me. He would destroy me in a discussion like he once did to that kidsniffer
  • 2
    I first read "old emperor" instead of "old employer" and was super confused.
    I have to catch up on sleep.
  • 3
    Btw, Java isn’t that slow. It just appears to be slow because it takes ages to write all the boilerplate.
  • 2
    He could just be gaslighting you too
  • 4
    How did he measure that you got slower? To me that sounds like you‘re being played with
  • 1
    u wasted?
  • 0
  • 0
    @possum nobody is playing with dem retoor. It's just very obvious. I always was a very active ninja. Now I'm a slowpoke
  • 1
    @retoor could it be at least partly due to being away from the code so far?

    That boss sounds very fucking rude
  • 0
    @MammaNeedHummus he's just honest. He told me that he wants to be a positive reference to other employers :)
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