My experience two weeks into being married:

1. Any other couple can fuck off. We're the protagonists now.

2. My sleep schedule has done a complete 180. I start my day at 7 am now, previously it was 12 afternoon. I also sleep early at 10 pm now. I feel a lot better about this schedule tbh.

3. My wife has an office job, so I get my work done in peace and am able to wrap up my day early to make time for her when she gets home.

4. She's serious about investments, stock market, SIPs, Gold prices or whatever and actively puts money into those things. Good for me.

5. Going out with her is actually fun, because we plan our Sunday ahead of time. I used to scoff at other couples before, but now I get it. It may look cringy from the outside but not to me it doesn't.

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    @meaning2 Get rekt fam.
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  • 2
    @SidThePajeet I am just waiting for the Bobs and Vagene. I don't actually know what the fuck is going on.
  • 3
    @Demolishun what's going on is this ping pong boii unable to stop crying over me, so he's created couple alt accounts to try to slam me.

    It's such a wasteful life to live tbh.
  • 2
    @SidTheITGuy devrant used to be gold fish rants. New rant new day.
  • 3
    Congrats man
  • 0
    @meaning2 Oh my god just leave this website already πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„
    We get it, nobody ever loved you or cared about you so now you take it out on the rest of us, go get therapy instead.
    You're neither welcome nor wanted here, take your aggression and go fight in a war or some shit.
  • 2
    @aviophille damn dude, chill...

    you really have anger management issues

    also, @meaning2 - you should really just gtfo the internet. it's not the right place for little racist dipshits like you.
  • 5

    Evolution of a personality, uuegghhh
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    @jestdotty you don't like the new me ?
  • 0
    Im really curious... assuming this isnt just a lie*, arranged marriage? How many goats did your father need to give as dowry??? What's the hideous malformation and/or detrimental personal trait(s) of this woman?... is it reeeeally a woman? (Not being sexist/non-woke or whatever... this question is all inclusive... like is his wife even an organism?)

    Biggest spike sticking out to me: how/why would the majority of your points not have been predetermined... like during any courtship/dating period?

    *i know, i know, i could totally, easily, find out through several methods, including some legal ones... just cant bring myself to do it; he's just not worth it
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    @awesomeest cunt, you be tripping. Get rekt bitch. There, does that answer your question?
  • 0
    @awesomeest you're worried to sound non woke? πŸ˜‚

    And seriously, what's wrong with Sid. A guy with a lot of confidence and knowledge
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    @SidTheITGuy nope. Still waiting on the goat count.
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    @retoor worried? No, never.
    Sid's got some personal demons to battle with before engaging with the real world.
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    @awesomeest why don't you employ your unique set of "skills" to find the goat count?
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    @SidTheITGuy nah, it's just not worth it... also, id end up learning waaay more about u than i want to know
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    @awesomeest stupid ass bitch asked the question first and now its not worth finding out, huh?

    You know what this behaviour is called, don't you?

    Stupid cunt.
  • 1
    @SidTheITGuy clearly you dont understand things like basic prioritising. This makes tons of sense in relation to your code. If u wanna be an engineer, learn how to assess and apply basic priority to your time and code.
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    @jestdotty lol... as if he's not clearly already obsessed with me. The last time i had an Indian kid this obsessed with me it was one of my first friends-- the 3yr old (i was 5) next door neighbour named 'saro'. That was much more welcomed though. I thought his name was the male version of my name, sara. It's why i told him he was my friend.
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    @awesomeest The bitch who jumped in on my rant is now saying I am obsessed with her. Clap Clap look here what a cunt we have at display.

    This you?
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    @SidTheITGuy im curious, do you clap irl when youre saying shit like this in your head?
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    @awesomeest what happened? Trying to deflect from the topic? You stepped in and tried to say you could find out any information through legal methods, and now you can't find out anything??

    What happened, too much of a pussy to do so??
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    @SidTheITGuy lol. I have a personal policy that i dont do things like that just because some kid taunts me to.

    I get that you probably dont understand what being busy/actually working a ton is like; you likely have time for a lot of things. You're just no where near the top of my free time/hobby activities list.

    You are on the list, just for curiosity sake, before this thread was created. Youre right under some fascinating telegram crypto scammers. A couple months ago i got messages by possibly the most unlucky scammer in history. Aside from messaging a blockchain dev with tons of years in networking and cybersecurity, etc., they also chose the most unfortunate backstory. When i asked what their native language was, pointing out some minor points in english, they told me they moved to the uk but were swiss. They used google translate too. My first job was a uk company for a german site/client. Swiss german is nothing like typical german either.

    They r way more intriguing, sry.
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    @awesomeest Yeah you sure sound busy, for someone who can't stay the fuck outta this thread and as an alternative, has so much work on their shoulders and have so many intriguing things in their lives.

    Piss off cunt, nobody wants you here. YOUR PRESENCE is useless here. Fuck outta here, stupid cunt.
  • 1
    @SidTheITGuy you say my presence is useless and imply im not actually super busy... youre missing the big connection here. I am super busy so my breaks are smaller, often only eating and bathroom breaks with the occasional 5-15m to clear my head of computing logic. That's what gives such purpose to my commentary reflexive to yours. Youre so illogical and self-contradictory that it's a valid way to clear my head by looking at the illogical crap you post. Way shorter than badoo; i need to sift through at least 5 dumbasses to hope for illogical content of this level.

    But alas, chatting with you will never get the creative/highly amusing nuggets like "...you look like one of those people that doesn't wash their ass daily".
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    @awesomeest wow, valid burn. Hope you find someone on badoo πŸ˜‚ I'm using devrant as my dating app. If retoor fucks everyone who doesn't fuck him/herself, does retoor fuck herself? It's something mathematicians are not out yet according my book about interpreters
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    @retoor you bi? What country?.... and most important, clearly, are your team jason or edward...(i think those are the names of that weird vampire movie with the ugly expressionless girl)

    The j one would be js for everything and an ostream-esq view on reality

    The e one would be backend... but not that backend crap like single language ruby devs... like the backend that's actually fullstack but makes more logic based *ooo shiny!*
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    @retoor oooo... i think the j name was like jake(or some form of it).... i kinda wanna have a kid just to name it JSON now... 2 issues... i dont wanna have children around more than 5% max... and i dont exactly have a uterus... maybe i can convince some to-be-born baby's parents to name their kid JSON... ill need to figure this out
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    @awesomeest Maybe, Netherlands, Edward (love dem pointies)
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    @retoor oooo.... hoe gaat het? Ik praat nederlands ook ;)
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    @awesomeest I did hear about some kid who was born in a car. The dad named him Carson.
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    @Demolishun ok... i know of, factual and personal irl exp... 4, la-a's, pronounced as la-dash-a oldest in their mid 40s.

    Explain that one, yoda.
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    @awesomeest yeah, we have heard this our kid's teachers too. They had some other interesting ones, but I cannot remember what they were.
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    @Demolishun i blame "nevaeh" aka heaven backwards... pretty sure this nonsense started there...

    either that or all the non-ethnically accurate spelling "sarah"... if you're jewish or from a highly specific part of the world, makes total sense... everyone else... wtf? It's like either massive lemming-esq behaviour, or some odd cult with a belief in imaginary letters outside of france(they have tons). Personally, when people ask me (aka sara) how i spell my name, i simply tell them i dont believe in imaginary letters.
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