
If you:
- Can’t entertain a thought without accepting it,
- Can’t say “I’m scared” aloud when you’re scared,
- Can’t say “Yep, I was wrong” when you’re wrong,
- Had more than three alcoholic beverages since Jan 1st 2024,
- Are addicted to weed,
don’t talk to me.

  • 2
    What does it mean to entertain a thought without accepting it?
  • 1
    Why three alcoholic beverages? I did :(
  • 3
    @Slow-Yep maybe we can apply for friendship again in 2025
  • 2
    I'm scared of kiki
  • 2
    @retoor because I had TERRIBLE experience with alcoholics so far. Starting with me almost dying because of one (https://devrant.com/rants/10153453/...), then my grandpa beating my grandma routinely when drunk, and now, several months ago, a very abusive and aggressive person living with my wife and me poisoned two precious months of our lives.

    Alcohol is highly addictive and causes physiological addiction. Once you're alcoholic, you're alcoholic for life. Knowing that, I see absolutely no reason for someone to drink, as you risk losing your LIFE and your freedom in exchange for absolutely nothing.

    I just added a slim margin to forgive social drinkers that did drink something during the new year season.
  • 1
    Y'all obviously can talk to me, but we can't be close friends. Sorry. It is time I quit the "I'm a worthless piece of shit, and I have to cling to everyone I have, as I will never find someone else" paradigm.
  • 0
    @kiki no. An alcoholic does not have to be for life. Smoking on the other hand.. "Oh yes, i quitted once for 20 years". Heard so many times. In netherlands they stopped selling at supermarkets btw
  • 0
    @kiki my daddii drinks one to two beers a day since he was a teen and I never seen him drunk :)
  • 2
    @retoor negativity bias is strong. Nobody tells the story of the function person who gets a bit tipsy at functions but never did anything scandalous and takes a break from drinking regularly. Those stories vastly out number the tragic ones.
  • 1
    Hey!! What'd weed do to ya?
  • 1
    @jestdotty getting used to a state does not mean you are not "in" that state FYI, it's just an excuse to keep taking in more...
    There are so many people who drive under influence (over the legal limit) with their excuse being "I feel fine, I only had x glasses" while all they do is basically admit they have a problem and unnecessarily bring other people in danger
  • 1
    But sad, I drank more than 3 :(
  • 1
    @jestdotty I hope it's your experience that changed at the very least ;p
    But yeah, you can be "functional" for menial stuff like coding but that does not mean you are actually optimally functional where it counts, especially regarding motoric handling, reasoning (@kiki's points), and reaction time for example.
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