I don’t know what’s going on with “Sid” and all these posts about him and at this point, I’m too afraid to ask

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    hahaha... I'm the center of attention on devRant these days lol.
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    Let me give you the full lore dump:

    It starts with the Discord/Matrix group chat some of us are in, outside devRant. We joke around, have fun, whatever, right?

    Then Nanos joined the chat and holy shit did he start writing every single word of the English language in all combinations ever, in a convo with Jestdotty.

    I ask him to move to DMs with Jest, he doesn't do that. So I start firing at him too harshly and he ends up quitting the group and deleting his devRant account.

    Then comes along Jase, who was fine at the beginning, but started showing psychotic behavior later. I warned him to hold himself together, and he started spewing racist slurs at me and Vintprox banned him off of the group.

    That hurt Jase and he created troll accounts here to "slam" me, well, at least try to.
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    After that Alexanderr deleted his devRant account (I had nothing to do with that) then started creating SidTheN-Word account or whatever. I have no idea how that came to be.

    Then ostream started to take a dump on backend devs, which is fine, you can do that, but you have to have thick skin to handle rebuttals and slambacks, which obviously he didn't.

    Lensflare and Fast-Nop trolled him to oblivion prompting him to delete his devRant account. I've been trying to get ostream to move on, but he wants an apology out of Lensflare and Fast-Nop but obviously that ain't happening lol.

    So he started to troll me as well (???) I don't see how that happened.

    So yeah, all this things happened and plus, I take a dump on other people here, but I have a thicker skin than them apparently. So I can handle their rebuttals just fine.
  • 4
    @SidTheITGuy thanks for the summary. I didn’t know about Jase.

    One correction though:
    Afaik, no one ever prompted ostream to delete his account.
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    @aviophille we know that you are ostream. Stop speaking of yourself in third person.
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    @fruitfcker we always did you dumb shit. If you had kept your eyes open you would have seen the Discord chat group link.
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    @fruitfcker said the guy, who is legit pissed that we have a group outside devRant, lol lmao.

    This you bro? - I'm so god damn pissed right now. You guys have a secret club?
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    @jestdotty What am I popular for, then?

    And which part is wrong? The Nanos part? Jase? Alexanderr? Ostream?
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    Didn’t know this app was full of high school kids. Are you guys really this childish with your drama?
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    @jestdotty I broke the female Nanos!! Yayyy
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    @PrinciplesMatt you haven't seen the slightest hint of drama yet my man
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