Finally gave in and switched from ubuntu to arch... wish me luck!

  • 2
    Why did you switch?
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    @JoshBent got bored of ubuntu, wanted to try something fresh, and ive heard good things about arch
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    @Bitwise thank you, good sir! ill definitely reach out if i get stuck :)
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    @RuntimeError ahh I read it the other way around: arch to ubuntu 😊
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    Which WM are you gonna be using. Personally I recommend i3gaps. It has a bit of a learning curve but it's absolutely worth it.
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    Lmfao literally same rn
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    @mkdirLuci4 damn that shit quality photo
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    @RuntimeError It's pretty sad that I recognized pacman from the shape of the text in the thumbnail. It's probably because of the hours I've spent, usually incredibly drunk, trying to upgrade packages.
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    Welcome to the fantastic OS ☺️☺️
    If ur on UEFI firmware, might as well just use systemd... it installs in pretty much a single command 😊😊
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    @Bitwise well to b honest I haven’t used grub much myself... what I do know is that u won’t have to fiddle with configs that much and grub doesn’t come preinstalled in arch... systemd does.
    And creating custom scripts with systemd is pretty easy too ( props to arch wiki for that ) ☺️

    People do hate systemd for its tendency to b “more than boot manager”... but I did like it since it worked for me 😊😊
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    Was there few weeks ago. No regrets.
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    One of us!!
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    @Dacexi yeah i went for i3 :)
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    @Bitwise i3 is supposed beautiful once you configure it. Also, I found gnome to be WAYYY to slow. When I click a program it should open immediately not in 1.5s
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    Welcome to the dark ... I mean fun.... Side.
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    Welcome to the club, careful where you keep your cookies, we don't like bugs 🀣
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    Enjoy going through countless dmesg and journal logs. Arch is the best tho (imo)
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    You're going to love it
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    @ImNotAlfred ive already done so trying to connect to a network lmao! netctl and dhcpcd were being a pain in the ass
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    @RuntimeError I'm pretty sure if you just install NetworkManager it's a lot easier
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    What is all the arch hype about
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    @kyleperik it didnt have to do with me not knowing how to do it lol, it was more of the dhcp not being on, etc etc
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    @bcye arch master race! jk lol, its just super configurable and a joy to work with (as far as ive noticed)
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    do you have an nvidia graphics card, and do you like steam?
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    @ParkCity what does that have to do with Arch?
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    @Dacexi Arch and the proprietary nvidia drivers don't play well together at all, and steam relied on those proprietary drivers, not the open source ones
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    @ParkCity I use the prop. drivers and I game perfectly using steam tho
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    @ParkCity Arch and Nvidia have always been good, for at least the past ten years I've been using the distro
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