
As a developer I never understood the intended benefit of standups. Issues + a scrum/kanban board like trello or GitHub project + a chat for quick questions or to schedule an ad-hoc pair programming session should be enough to make everyone know everything they need to know about the project status at any time.

Obliging developers to talk in a group session to reiterate in a more verbose way what they already wrote down when working on it, will make a lot of people uncomfortable. Talking too much or not complying to the talking rules is an expected side effect besides anxiety and reduced productivity.

If you want a talk show, hire talk masters.

If you want software development, hire software developers.

Don't confuse one with the other!

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    I feel like that's a good way to work in silos and have no way of correcting course if people make assumptions that are not true

    Stand ups are usually good to catch that.

    And also a good place to maybe mention that your ticket is almost done and someone could start using it for their ticket and stuff like that.

    I want to use my counter point to the popular notion that tickets and docs are enough: Since when do people know how to read?
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    @iceb that's the communication barrier:

    many managers don't like to read,

    many devs don't like to talk,

    or maybe both do, but they don't speak the same language, so PMs hope to clarify what got lost in translation
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    I just updated GitHub tickets and it worked fine

    I have issues remembering to do stuff if I have to do it in multiple places 😖

    Also clearly writing it down is better than saying it? Then you can reference it again if need be 😒

    Maybe management should get a text to speech plugin they can run on all them tickets 😒

    Or what if developers left little voice clips on the tickets and there's a standup bot that aggregates all updates since the last standup and plays all the clips to management? 😝

    I joke, ofc it isn't about any of these things people just like feeling in control and all my solutions are invalid.
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    There are many ways to have a standup. It's not necessary to share progress on everything if it's not deemed useful. In a large team it's probably not worth it.
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    I think it depends on how the standup is used. In the end it is a tool. My current team prefers to use it as a quick: "Hey, I'm working on this might be going for that approach/am stuck need advice/ etc" in a technical language. That kind of standup is for the Devs.

    But I also had standups where it's just reporting to management what's already on the board . Those kind of standups suck.
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    IMO stand ups are useless IF everyone in the team is easily reachable, which never happens.

    But the more senior the team is, the more useless stand-ups seem to be.
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    Kinda feel the same

    But cancelling all daily meetings isn’t the answer either: tried it. Often found slack conversaitions to be good but sometimes they are overdone and the meeting is where people actually grasp the problems and start to resolved them.
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    It depends on who’s invited

    If it’s just devs from the same team I think it can be quite useless. we speak the same lang - and most of our issues are details.

    But a scrum can be useful if there’s multiple roles (like designers) invited because design + dev often struggle to talk… or at least the PM gets to see who’s blocking who
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    I will add that some managers and designers said that quite often it took longer for them to scan the board and read slack to figure out the status - than it did to have us talk about it.

    Sometimes I feel like they were digitially illiterate 🤦 but still: I can get the idea that a meeting is mostly for them.
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    I don't know if it's common but I'm really bad with updating tickets.

    Since it's a different app I have to log in. Find the ticket and then move it around.

    So i'd update maybe a couple of them together rather than keeping it really up to date.

    It gets in the way of my flow

    and I'm lazy. thats undeniable
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