This has nothing to do with AI but -

Fuck AI !!
Fuck OpenAI !!
Fuck Sam Altman !!
Fuck the whole AI ecosystem !!
Fuck anyone who said AI will replace devs !!
Fuck all of those marketing fucks who said AI will be smarter than people.

And at the last but not the very least,

FUCK YOU if you like AI. Fuck off.

  • 7
    Sounds like the ramblings of someone who is going to be replaced by AI.
  • 1
  • 7
    "Fuck all of those marketing fucks who said AI will be smarter than people." Have you SEEN the PEOPLE?
  • 1
    @Demolishun the worst part is, that you do have a point..
  • 0
    @rootofskynet LLMs suck only because training data was written by people
  • 2
    It always amuses me when people say something about "AI" in general, considering it's meant something different every few years.

    I'm currently replacing a system that won an award in the early 90s for its novel use of AI. ChatGPT it is not 😂
  • 3
    Chill bruhh, you are giving to many Fucks to AI 🥸
  • 1

    I am amused at the people who mistake NPC algorithms in a game for NPC intelligence. I get it though. Its the R2D2 effect. Make something appear to have human like attributes and people will assign that to the object.

    I remember my daughter thinking NPCs in a game will "find out later" if she does something wrong. There was a simple mechanic for this, but she was giving the NPCs way more abilities in her mind. I guess that is kinda the curse of programming though. We know this and dissect the game mechanics as we play.
  • 1
    A friend of mine in management - who is what most people would call a misanthropic arsehole with psychopath tendencies - made the following joke:

    AI isn't artificial intelligence, rather "another indian" - underpaid, unusable code and far from intelligent.

    Yeah. He found that funny.
  • 1
    Oh. And the "friend of mine" was sarcasm.

    He's as much my friend as I like to fuck a vagina.
  • 0
    @IntrusionCM what's wrong with good ol Gina?
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