
Is it wrong to slack off a bit at the end of the year since I’ve done nearly 50% of all of my teams’s weekend and after hours implementations (on a team of 7)? I do all the shit work, get kudos for it for sure, but it’s definitely putting a strain on my home life. I feel guilty, but I kinda want to slack off like hell for the rest of the year.

  • 4
    As an employee, you're responsible for taking care that your workload doesn't exceed your work capacity which could damage your capacity in long term. Or in less fancy words, don't overwork because it's worse for you and your employer.
  • 3
    I don't think employers care if you damage your work ability in the longer term

    But I'd hold this value of not damaging myself longer term as non negotiable; a job is just one job, you still have a whole life after that

    But yeah basically I wouldn't feel guilty. I conceptualize jobs as just quieting management's neuroticism down . Provided what I'm responsible for works and management isn't running around thinking stupid things my work is done. I might just catch up on learning something new though (because for me this is relaxing), but I wouldn't feel too pressured to do that to be honest. Sometimes I would just look over stuff and contemplate my existence, have a beer, etc
  • 0
    @jestdotty mmmmm, beer. Solid advice.
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