
You know the Microsoft guy who installed Chrome because Edge crashed.

Don't judge him that much!
The guys at Google use Microsoft's VSCode for their Firebase. Also they use Typescript.

Our company (if any) shouldn't determine the tools we use. I haven't used Edge, but they recently added full Css Grid support. I'm gonna give it a try for a week or two...

  • 12
    Personally that gives him more creditablity to me cause he didn't stick to something that wasn't working even though he probably got bitched out because of it
  • 8
    Aaa thats why firebase sucks.
  • 5
    I judge him plenty. Stop making shit browsers and fix the one you have. Damn it Microsoft. If you cant use the tools your own company makes your company sucks at making them.
  • 1
    Their skype doesn't work properly even on Windows phone. Sucks badly. But skype runs decently on Android.
    Windows desktop don't even work properly with its windows phones but works properly with android.

    Wow ... Just wow
  • 3
    @skprog you judge him for the product of a team hes not on?
  • 0
    They have cleanup edge. Check skip ahead branch in insider preview. It's nice compare to current window version edge
  • 0
    @jalebiBhai Windows phone isn't being supported any longer, it's all just bug fixes and security updates now.
  • 1
    @boardfish it felt like it was never supported.
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