
Got this email yesterday, it was about one of my projects. THIS is what I live for.

  • 2
    @ostream funny. My food lives for me.
  • 1
    That's wholesome, gotta love it
  • 2
    thats one of those moments where you feel good about being a dev
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    @Alexanderr Ching chong boy you out to get abused aren't you?
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    @SidTheITGuy is he Asian?
  • 0
    @kiki Yes, technically an Asian but more like a cheap no-good disassembled factory-produced rejected piece worthless Ching Chonging Chinese bitch boy.
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    @Alexanderr Loser queue full of people who have regular sex with your mom.
  • 0
    @Alexanderr your mom is a factory-produced whore? She's industrialized having sex in exhange for money?

    Damn son, that's a good self-burn right there.
  • 0
    @Lucky-Loek Welcome to the club, mate! 😎 IMO writing one small unassuming tool that saves people time every day makes you a better programmer than writing a complex language/framework that no one uses. Yes, it may seem more impressive on the surface, but at the end of the day, every line of code ever written is about optimizing manual labor. The more successful you are at that, the better programmer you are. Also, it takes intelligence and precision to know where the status quo tool chains are lacking and where is the perfect room for your tool. It takes talent to minimize cognitive complexity. It takes genius to make the tool invisible for users after one day of using it.
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