
I fucking hate this about myself in the weekends.

I promise myself to get up early enough and do loads of programming and I end up sleeping in and not being productive all day.

And then at the end of the day I feel guilty.

I hate that.

  • 16
    Doing the same thing right now
  • 16
    I thinks it's okay when you are not productiv every weekend.
  • 13
    If you do nothing you recharge yourself for the next week. Working more doesn't mean you're being more productive.
    (I feel the same way most of the time too. I am afraid I will be left behind if I don't study and practice all the time)
  • 8
    @jsframework9000 but in the week I only code for my employer and not on my own project.
  • 10
    I know what you mean. I'm writing this from my bed even though I should have gotten up a few hours ago.
  • 3
    @plusgut This means you have other priorities in the weekends (which is not bad). If your project was so important to you, you would have the motivation to work on it.
  • 3
    @jsframework9000 I wish that would be true. I'm mostly just lying in bad.
  • 3
    @plusgut Which means that lying in bed is more important to you than your projects 🙂 (unless you are physically unable to get up due to sickness). Why not place your laptop next to your bed so you can open it right away and then sit on the bed and program?
  • 3
    @jsframework9000 my laptop is already next to me. Thanks for your kind words :) I guess I'll write some code today.
  • 5
    I’ve written 21 lines in 48 hours.
    I don’t think my weekend went as planned.
  • 4
    Same here. I usually counter it by nur going to bed and program in the night. :P
  • 5
    i promise myself that i get some rest and do housework but here i am debugging an ai since 7 in the morning
  • 4
    @BindView Ai!
  • 3
    @linuxxx competitive game of life "my-evolution-is-better-than-yours" AI
  • 4
    @BindView Why don't you write an AI that keeps writing your AI when you're sleeping?
  • 3
    You are me.
    Just replace sleeping with EU4 and Civ v/vi.

    Who needs programming when you can reestablish the caliphate as the Ottomans and insert kebab
  • 2
    I promise myself I would sleep more but still wake up early....

    It's now 8am... I just woke up but am already on my phone...

    I'm still in bed tho....
  • 3
    You are not alone. ;)
  • 2
    Sounds familiar
  • 1
  • 2
    We all need help!
  • 1
    Same here
  • 1
    Search the term implementation intention
  • 1
    Well I had a pretty long weekend (4days) this time and I blew it just like any other weekend of mine. If you’re working hard on weekdays then you probably should enjoy your weekends.

    Work hard, play hard.

    Time to get some sleep for a productive Monday.
  • 1
    Well tbh. I cba to code on weekends but i want to be productive in any other way - usually I either end up infront of the TV or start gaming if I'm not on duty at the red cross.
  • 2
    When I want to acomplish a lot in the weekend I take it to the public library. So much less distraction.
  • 1
    The same, you just gotta get motivated, set a goal! Or make a separate OS only for work and boot it. For me it works, since I launch Elementary OS on my laptop as default. Android Studio is faster on Linux as well.
  • 0
    I used to do the same. Now I do lazy shit in the morning, watch some crap and so one. Then I get up at lunch time, take a shower, go have lunch (usually buy it cause I'm to lazy to do that myself) and then I got to some coffee.
    I ask for an XL coffee and run "yarn start"

    There, now I will be productive from 2pm till (at least) 6pm.
  • 2
    Same struggle, but for me, it's not doing some graphic design...
  • 0
    Same for me. Want to get up and code, but... I would need to get up first. So hard.

    Then finally get up because friends asked me to play online games with them. Usually until they go to bed. Then I'm sitting there, feel guilty and start coding until 8am. Very nice to sleep all day after this when I need to get up early on Monday again.
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