Why the hell do people call smartphones by Apple "iPhones"?! Whenever people call their phones iPhones I start calling my phone by the model number.

Idiots: Oh no! I've lot my iPhone 7s!
Me: Oh no! I've lost my Oppo A37f pink edition!

See, sounds stupid right? Imagine it in everyday life!

-We're packing for camp! You! Take your North Face N638 grey


-You, other guy! You will ride your BMX X Black!

See? It does sound stupid!

If you're saying iPhone, you're a fucking idiot. (it's like saying Googling instead of searching the internet)

  • 4
    Wow that's my angriest rant
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    But how are you supposed to call an iPhone?
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    @RealKC smartphone
  • 17
    @heeMan this doesn’t make sense. So you’re saying I shouldn’t call it KFC but I should call it fried chicken? This leads to confusion.
  • 4
    I'd love to see someone say that they lost their iPhone 7s 😂
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    @dynamitesushi crap, you have a point
  • 11
    I usually call my Oneplus One Oneplus.
    Most people doesn't understand me... But usually I don't care.
  • 9
    That's a bit far fetched buddy, even for me as an anti apple dude 😂
  • 3
    @olback how about losing their iPhone X 😂😂
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    @gitpush The funny thing about iPhone 7s is that it doesn't exist... 😂
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    @Kimmax I like their smartphones (but nsa makes it a lot worse)
  • 4
    I hate it too, I just say: let me get my phone
    Or I'm going their by car
    The only time I go specific, is when I say I'm working on an app on my Mac, because if I say making an iOS app on my computer ppl will be like:
    How did you make macOS run on your laptop, or you can write iOS apps on windows 😨
    Just to avoid dummy questions
  • 2
    @olback well i don't know in which model to put an ass in
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    @olback 😂😂😂😂😂
    No an iPhone user 😅
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    @gitpush Tay finally someone really understands me! High five ✋
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    @heeMan 🖐️💪 -- sent from my iPhone 9x running Android 12 with windows 9 theme 😛😛
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    @heeMan 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
    Sorry couldn't keep my mouth shut 😛
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    @gitpush *trying to not say an offensive sex joke*
  • 1
    @heeMan you better try hard 😅😨😂😛
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    Because that’s what it is, an iPhone.
    Bit like the Google Pixel, it’s a Pixel
    Samsung Note, it’s a Note

    If we classified them by “smartphone” then they’re all the same.
  • 2
    Ahahah lol
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    Some people call it 'phone' some people call it by the brand, where's the problem?
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    I don't call my spoon Ikea dragon stainless (or whatever) not so you
  • 3
    @dynamitesushi and you can't really call it fine dining either now can you

    I agree that it is stupid in the cases he describes. I'm not looking for my Nexus ether. Smartphones are not all that smart but it's the category all phones today fall in; so just say phone.
    Don't say iPad but tablet. Unless you need to make a distinction. Like the app does not work on my Nexus 5X because the NFC is overpowered (actual case with glucose sensor).
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    @Anaeijon yes the number of times someone has stared at me blankly after saying the brand.

    I can judge someone's phone knowledge instantly when I see their reaction.
  • 1
    oh boy time to pack my [generic branded chinese phone that runs api25]
  • 4
    @SoulSkrix So when you say you lost your Samsung. Did you lose your TV, laptop, microwave, washing machine, tablet or phone? Be specific please we programmers like that...
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    @SoulSkrix my TV was actually lost during a move (indecently a Samsung)
  • 4
    Who the fuck calls there phone a smartphone? “oh shit, i left my smartphone in the car”. thats worse than calling it a fucking iPhone. Nice rant though 😀
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    @heeMan what if I have two iPhones, a Galaxy S8, a Pixel 2 and some other smartphone? Just calling it "smartphone" would lead to confusion.
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    I guess some are mixing brand names (like KFC) and product names like iPhone

    But the reason why many people say "my iPhone" is because it's shorter than "my smartphone". - coming from an android user
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    @Fenix and "my phone" is even shorter
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    @Krokoklemme if you say it quickly yes but personally I would say that myPhone (wrote it like this to emphasize the quick pronunciation) sounds quite weird if it should be said quicker than iPhone
  • 2
    OH MY GOD! I started a (mini) war in the friendliest community!
  • 3
    @heeMan it's still the internet :P
  • 3
    I call my phone
  • 0
    I should start calling my Android device iPhone to counteract.

    “… my iPhone…”
    “That's not an iPhone!!”
    “Well, it's an off-brand one.”

    Sometimes brands just become synonymous for the product, like Kleenex. Maybe “iPhone” is just halfway there with users still feeling superior for buying the original one.
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