
So saw some new cool technology/library (vue 2.0) and suddenly I feel like my codes are rubbish and outdated. major urge to rewrite months worth of codes. Is this self-suicidal mindset normal? please share.

  • 1
    In my experience a good old refactoring always makes my code feel fresh, might be worth a try before a whole rewrite
  • 2
    If a new library warrants a complete rewrite then your project ain't that large. Feel free to rewrite then.
  • 0
    vue 2.0 is in alpha, stick with 1.0 for now...
  • 1
    Always a dilemna. If you're absolutely positive it can be done in less than 2 weeks, I'd say go for it -- if only to get rid of that I'm-working-on-old-distusting-tech feeling.

    If it's more, be sure to think long and hard about the benefits. Sometimes refactoring code is just writing code differently; sometimes it's a never-ending rabbit hole which leads you to dark and depressing places...
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