Time to shutdown => 3-5 sec
Time to restart => 3-5 sec

Time to shutdown => 3-5 sec
Time to restart => 3-5 sec

Time to shutdown => 15-20 sec
Time to restart => LIFETIME

  • 10
    May I ask, have you verified these numbers? 😅
  • 5
    Yeah ..More than verified
  • 17
    I'm on my 7200rpm hdd
    Windows 7 -10 secs
    Restart -15 secs

    Fedora -45 secs
    Restart -55 secs

    (((((More than verified)))))
  • 9
    My windows has your linux times.
  • 0
    @sam9669 still using fedora ?
  • 6
    Linux takes the longest for me, no matter the distro. Windows is quite fast for me 🤔
  • 7
    Linux is not really about good boot times I think... Though my arch takes approximately 8s, I use a wm only when I want to use GUI apps, so there's that. Dunno about windows but from what I remember (2015 was the last time I had one on my machine) it wasn't that bad on an ssd. Anyway, who gives a shit about starting times? Let's just focus on the exciting stuff like playing chess or coding so we can afford food.
  • 9
    These days, windows never really shuts down. By default, shutdown actually hibernates. That does skew the numbers
  • 4
    @epse Yeah. I turned that off though, because suspending actually led to slower boot-up times.
  • 1
    If you think about it the times mentioned in the post are actually physically impossible. If a machine takes shutDownTime amount of time to shutdown then it should take shutDownTime + startUpTime to reboot. If shutDownTime == shutDownTime + startUpTime then startUpTime would be 0 seconds.
  • 0
    @Devman what I meant is, the time it takes before booting up again
  • 1
    Well Windows takes more time to shut down than Linux
  • 2
    @Devman in theory yes, in reality no because when Windows shuts down, it does some form of 'hibernation lite', but when you restart it actually does a full shutdown and a full cold boot thereafter, as far as I know.
  • 0
    I use arch linux and it takes a looooooong time to do each of these things .. Windows takes just a long time and then I remember when I use to used fedora shit was faster ..
  • 4
    I am using Linux/Windows dual boot on SSD.

    Boot time: 3-4 seconds
    Restart time: 5 seconds

    Boot time: 10-15 seconds
    Restart time: 10-12 seconds
  • 3
    (Laughs in Windows 10 SSD)
  • 0
    This happens even when in case, when I just booted into Windows and try to shut it down .
    Meanwhile even if I have application running on Linux, it would not take more than specified time
  • 2
    Please do not restart your computer
    Updating -1% •
  • 2
    Windows 7 boots and shuts relatively quickly.
    Windows 10 is insanely slow indeed. Especially with the annoying updates.
    Linux with a gui usually takes 10s on an HDD to boot and about 3-5s to shut.
  • 1
    @Noob is not so #Noob
  • 0
    @dontbeevil exception do exist
  • 1
    @dontbeevil Yeah, my Windows 10 PC takes 7 seconds to boot to Desktop... (and another second until my K&M driver is loaded and I can use my PC comfortably)
  • 2
    I can agree the 'window restart' part. Hate it when it stucks 😠
  • 1
    Mac used to be true... Since the fucking buggy High Sierra update it needs about a minute to boot up...
  • 1
    Windows boot: -2,147,483,647 hours
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