
Devrant Community: Why is the user base shrinking?

Also Devrant Community: Fuck you green dot! You are the scum of the world. Fuck your mom, fuck your asshole with a giant npm download. If I could zip bomb all of your devices I would. We need a green dot genocide!

PS: It is not that I disagree with our welcoming committee. It is more of an observation. I am pretty sure I participated in this behavior.

  • 9
    it's the testing phase. the weak ones don't make it. the strong stay
  • 3
    We wouldn‘t need to fuck the green dot‘s assholes with a huge npm download if they stopped spamming random shit generated by chatgpt.
  • 3
    @chaosesqueteam2 Obviously I didn‘t mean you. I know that chatgpt can‘t come up with the disturbing crap that you write.

    I wouldn‘t touch JS or C with a stick.
    I use languages that combine the strenghts of both instead of using ohne from the extreme end of masochism.
  • 0
    @chaosesqueteam2 you don‘t need to educate me about C. I worked with it professionally, and also with C++, Java, C#, JavaScript, Objective-C, Kotlin and Swift.

    I know all of the strengths and weaknesses (except for JS, which has no strengths).
    Being fast is most often not the most important property. It‘s just important for some special cases. And higher level compiled languages can sometimes outperform even C. Rust can do it in some cases.

    Languages should be fast, but more importantly, safe. C is not safe.

    We are in an age where languages don‘t need to sacrifice ease of use and safety for performance. You can have both.
    It‘s not 2010 anymore, we don‘t need Java.
    And it‘s not 1990 anymore, we don‘t need C.
  • 2
    People should understand what this platform is meant for. Just because the name contains "dev" doesn't mean you will start asking for help, and/or start recruiting devs for your bullshit company/project. Or worse, treat it the same as LinkedIn.

    Make jokes here, have some fun banter with devs, dump on PHP/JS, or let out your anger/frustration/burnout that you face in ur real life.

    Done, you're good to go.
  • 2
    @SidTheITGuy this site is the best therapy in the world.
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    @Nanos the cool thing is they can be programmatically constructed. The resultant size to unzip to can be more than petabytes.
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    @Nanos you trying to pick a fight with me? If I remember correctly you were the one crying about me being mean/sweary towards you or others.

    You wanna have a go, old man?
  • 3
    If green dot spams, me reports it. If green dot friendly, me upvotes it.
  • 1
    @chaosesqueteam2 Safety! Not security. Different thing.

    I‘m talking about compile time checks and guarantees.
  • 1
    @ostream I yelled at a 76 years old man recently at the gym, you don't know what I'm capable of.
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    @Nanos links to online casinos
  • 2
    @Nanos I think gambling has nothing to do with this platform.
  • 0
    @Nanos then make a post about it! Don’t spam gambling sites in comments to a rant that isn’t about gambling.
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    @Nanos it’s not up to me to decide. It’s up to this platform’s collective subconscious. I see “spam” — I downvote. I don’t have concrete criteria.
  • 1
    @Nanos the moment you said that you like dictatorship over democracy, didn't your hear a collective voice in the air telling you to shut the fuck up?

    You're losing your mind old man, your days are getting close to exhaustion so you're spewing bullshit, thinking it will make a difference.

    Go on, write a freaking novel, I dare you.
  • 0
    @chaosesqueteam2 I think the web version doesn‘t support creating collabs. It’s only possible on the Android and iOS apps.
    Don‘t ask me why. I know it’s dumb.
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    @Nanos what do you mean? There is only one official devRant web client.
  • 0
    @Nanos yes ^^
  • 0
    Ok I thought there were more but I only found those exotic ones:


  • 0
    @Nanos in the iOS app it looks like you can only change the username and email. But not the password. DevRant is weird.
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