
DevRant is getting boring.

It's pretty much non-stop reposts of iFunny memes, tab vs spaces, {{language}} is the best and/or {{language}} sucks!, and now {{ide/editor}} is the best and/or {{ide/editor}} sucks!

No one fucking cares what languages you like or hate. No one cares what IDE or editor you use. Tabs vs Spaces, only your team mates will really care. Memes? Well is that all we're good for now?

Tell me something interesting in a comment. Something fucking amazing. Good or bad.

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    Well, that's pretty much how social networks end up.
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    Oh look at me. Y'all suck and are not pleasing, so try harder and entertain me right here, like now!

    And none of that boring shit either, you lazy fucks.

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    Windows Firewall, what about that feckin fucker??! It pisses me off right NOW! Customer system fuxxor...
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    The Jaguar E Type Zero. The most beautiful electric car on the planet.

    Google it, I promise you it's worth it.
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    @danzig666 Had to create a complex file watcher and two lock files to keep one instance of javafx app and get the running app notified if you try to run another instance of it because my socket solution triggers windows firewall warning on windows.
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    Windows Firewall = Internet Explorer Security Edition.
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    @retardis Amazing!!!

    And a pic for the lazyass people:
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    @just-basic-user, ha ha. I know right! Such a dream.
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    you are part of it mayne, how about you tell us something interesting?
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    @retardis It’s the perfect car: classic clean design, brand new electronics and it’s good for the Earth.
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    @just-basic-user, exactly. Especially the interiors. A huge olden style steering wheel and gear stick but also a huge tablet screen for the dashboard interface. Absolutely classy and genius.
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    @olezhka lol exactly.

    Somehow, those types of posts suck but “What's the difference between 127 and 128?” is quality content!
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    Also, if you can’t bear to see rants about code editors and languages in a social network where developers rant, then go to stories and you want see it and you’ll see exactly the content you’re looking for.

    Be the change you want to see, you should post better rants, very few of yours meet the criteria you require of others.

    Yelling at everyone else to entertain you better with no constructive criticism is so lazy/ridiculous.
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    @dfox Why so serious?
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    I've started downvoting memes and jokes if they are reposts, or just shit. I don't upvote anything unless I agree or it makes me smile.
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    @Jonnyforgotten I only down-vote dumb shit. Like that one guy who recommended screwing over monetizing practices, which hurts developers.

    This one has been amusing though, in how serious some folks have taken it. Seeing as the rant which earned me stickers was a Tabs v Spaces rant, and my recent other fairly high ranking one was a language name-calling rant.

    I thought the trolling would be more obvious. I guess I need to threaten to kill someone like that other guy does in order for people to get it.
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    @xorith because stuff like this is inconsiderate and discouraging to people who try to create good content and then are told “what you post isn’t good enough! Do better!”

    We get people who come to us and tell us “I’m scared to post” because of stuff like this.

    Nothing in your rant sounded like a joke to me.

    I’m all for better content and striving to be better/more original, but I’m also a big believer of practicing what you preach and being constructive about it.

    We have the voting system to be as democratic as possible and we really encourage people to use it.
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    @xorith and if this was trolling, that’s fine, but I think many will miss that.
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    @dfox I guess I'm losing my trolling touch in my old age of 36.

    I kind of figured the first thing someone would do would be to look at my own rants and either comment about my amazing (come on, they're amazing) contributions or groan and move on past.

    Either way, I suppose you're right.
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    @xorith ok I will remember not to take your rants serious anymore 😂 sorry.

    No jk, I get your point and you are not wrong, there is a lot of the same old dumb shit being pushed to the top over and over again, but any social community behaves sort of like that. And as everyone else you can contribute to the quality of the community and I think with saying "This is boring, post more interesting stuff." (which btw sounds like "Entertain me!") you are taking a bad approach at improving the community. Just post something which you think you would like to see if you were someone else here.
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    @xorith honestly, I see nothing wrong with your contributions and I think they are great. Many people enjoy them and that’s really what I’m getting at.

    And I’m not just saying that. We have tons of different kinds of people here and despite pretty much everyone being a developer there are many different tastes (which is why algo is important for us).

    We have users who post extremely detailed rants and we have some who post short ones (like a lot of yours) and each have their own merit. If people don’t like them, then they’ll get downvoted.

    And just to add, while some people don’t like memes, historically, memes are at an all-time low and I hate to say it, but there’s definitely a shortage of good memes compared with historical precedence :) I curate the weekly email each week and the number of posts with images has decreased steadily while text posts have increased.
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    And I really think “stories” consists of nearly 100% detailed, original, interesting content with almost no debating, so if that’s really what anyone is looking for, it’s certainly there and it’s why we’ve had it for a very long time now.
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    I actually have typed up longer and more detailed rants, only to not post them.

    I work on enough things and with enough people of varied skill levels that I've seen some serious shit.

    I usually don't post them out of fear that one of the people I'm speaking of is a user and will see it and take offense. I don't want to risk sewing discord in the small teams I'm involved with by such a petty venting.

    Perhaps when I'm done with one in particular, I'll have some really nice and juicy rants. Until then, my dad-joke-like-puns will have to suffice.
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    @xorith I'll eagerly await those. ;)
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    Ah yes, stories! I usually use the web interface though. Stories seem a bit more hidden on that.

    I really only have the mobile app so I could subscribe to support the site.
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    @xorith thanks, we really appreciate it. Also, we have a completely overhauled web version about a week away (we realize it sucks right now) and I think it’s an exponential improvement over the current one (it’s a pretty awesome complete redesign). We’ll make sure it includes stories, the current web version is lacking be feature which is bad.

    @ThatDude yeah I mean I think we have a really good mix. I think it’s important to maintain that mix. Personally I really like both and I think most people do too, which is why I always try to include a few images in the weekly email, but there’s almost always more textual rants. It didn’t used to be like that though, it used to be more image-heavy but as long as it’s quality content I don’t think it matters that much.
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    @ThatDude I think it really depends on what you post. Can’t really look at it on a per-user basis. Trends of top rants of the week/month seem to indicate it’s kind of even or maybe has leaned a bit towards text posts. Very hard to tell precisely though :)
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    @ThatDude Yea when I post memes or pictures, they tend to get the most upvotes in comparison to my other posts. 🤷 Either way I'm fine with that, especially since a good chuckle is needed every now and then.
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