
So I picked up my little brother (6th grade) from school.

Him: We had computer hour
Me: Cool what did you do?
Him: We programmed a game
Me: That's cool. In what language did you program?
Him: English

I burst out in laughter because I didn't expect that answer.

I know I should have asked the question better.

After that I found out that they used scratch.

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    They never did this when I was at that school. We only had once a course we could take where we did a mod for Civilization V and that's where I first learned some basic of c++.
  • 5
    @vlatkozelka Did you mean turtle? 😀
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    Well I use a lot a IDE based on scratch...
    MIT AI2
    To make fast android apps..
    May not be that good as android sdk, but while a sdk programmer makes the first Screen im already finishing the app...

    @guspio I reply that way a lot... Everytime I say I can code and some smart ass asks what language I reply Portuguese and English...
    That trows the Jerks off balance
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    @vlatkozelka dude sorrrryyyy i was scratching mai arm with my phone in my hand and reported you by mistake.... hope that @dfox will understand the situation
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    In my high school I too a game dev class that used XNA...after it was deprecated. We made a block move across the screen and bounce of other blocks. That was the final project lol.
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    Man I wish we did some kind of coding in school. All I remember is using Mac paint and learning how to type 😥
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    @vlatkozelka Strangely, I remember reading about it but not doing stuffs with it. As far as I remember, my program never ran quite the way I intended to. To this day, its still a mystery to me how it works actually. 😅
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