
I sent and email of some code to someone, and when I coppied from VScode into the Email Cliant it saved the Background Color + Syntax Highlighting 😆

  • 1
    That's cool
  • 8
    Not sure if useful or just mildly annoying
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    My thoughts exactly.
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    @Cyanite what happes if you paste into another IDE?
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    Not sure how to get rid of its anyways.
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    Yeah visual studio does that too... I tend to send it as a file now.
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    Stare at it too long and I would probably get hypnotized
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    I don't have any installed, but I paste constantly into Telegram and it's alway just text.
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    also those white lines in between are really annoying after looking at it for a few seconds
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    I use VS code as a task manager/note pad and just copy paste things from there. Sometimes it is indeed a bit of pain, but hey with great power comes great responsibility 😂
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    @Cyanite you can opt for "paste as plain text only" or "save source formatting" options in most text editors and mail clients.
    The plain text option won't reset the indentation just remove the highlighting and background color
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    @DjWawa when coping to another IDE/editor the other IDE will overwrite the highlighting and background color with its own setting keeping the indentation as it is
    Tried from VSC -> Atom, VSC -> Notepad++
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    The reason this happens is because all your code is being pasted as formatted <SPAN> tags (remember, formatted emails are HTML). If your mail client supports HTML editing, try pasting the code into a <DIV> element with the same background colour.
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    @Cyanite If the client doesn't support plain text pasting, just paste it into Notepad and copy again from there.
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    @LeFlawk Oh! Really? Good to know
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    @DjWawa I think it's awesome
    One day I had to copy some code from IntelliJ to Google Docs, it was all highlighted and colored, so I made a table with the same background and it was just awesome!😂
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    Without white lines it would actually be cool
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    I still love your username..
  • 3
    I'm a huge fan of simplistic usernames, like @Pizza, @byte, @alice, @linux, and of course, @Cyanite~ x3
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    @Cyanite 😋🍕🍺
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    @Pizza @Linux

    You two be beer buddies.

    I'll stick to my coffee.
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    @Cyanite Coffee is love, coffee is life.
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    Why would you ever send code inline with an email lol? You can use pastebin, gist and a million other sources to share code. Or even send it as a file.
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    I wanted to make sure it was seen. Call me untrusting, but people can easily ignore a link or a file.
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