What are the first set of apps you install after you purchased a new mobile device?

Mine is:

- Gmail
- Chrome
- Bank app

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    With an Android device signed into Google account, it installs everything already installed on the previous device if any
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    mine just ported over all the apps from my OnePlus 7 when i logged into my Google account on my new device
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    Cards, the Universe, and Everything
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    I uninstall thevbloat and drop everything I don't use in a 'shit' folder
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    @alexbrooklyn I wish they let us delete the bloat
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    Brave Browser I guess.
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    I couldn't understand wtf "Blank app" is. Couldn't find it in GPlay and it didn't make any sense why would anyone need it..

    Then it clicked.

    I need my coffee
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    @Lensflare brave is a crypto scam browser made by an anti lgbt activist.
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    @kiki you know what, I'm gonna use brave even harder.
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    @kiki I don‘t care about the ideology of the creator but can you elaborate on the crypto scam?
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    @Lensflare they offered advertisers to have their ads unblocked and be paid in a crypto token they created.
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    KeePassDX because I can't login into the rest of the apps without it.
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    Keepass2Android, Mega, Revolut, Protonmail, 2FAS, Messenger, Firefox.

    With these I can address almost all emergencies, the rest can be downloaded over the next few days. For about a week thereafter I think through what apps I need every time I make plans.
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    @asgs I don't like the auto-install feature, I have a tendency to accumulate small but not insignificant apps for specific temporary needs and then forget about them. A phone change is a natural point to triage these.
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    @lorentz why proton over tutanota?
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    @kiki Frankly, I switched to Proton from Gmail after a cursory search and I've been lazy to switch away. All things considered Protonmail isn't very good, but it's a company that has no reason to block me other than abuse of the mail system itself and actually has human customer service. These two considerations were my main reasons to move away from Gmail in the first place.
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    @lorentz wow, they have good customer support?
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    @kiki I doubt it's good but the FAQ refers to it regularly so they definitely expect it to be used, which is already miles better than Google.
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