
Best professors I've ever had were the ones on free youtube tutorials and udemy classes. Often they seem to legitimately care more than actual professors.

Online instructors I've learned tons from:
Derek Banas
Bucky Roberts
The Net Ninja (don't know the name)
Maximillian Shwarzmüler
Colt Steele
Brad Traversy

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    I love bucky robert's tutorial, he doesn't give a fuck about typos. 😂
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    @tonymontana nope lmao he seems like a pretty chill guy. Learned my very first coding stuff from him actually 😂 C++ about 4 years ago
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    @Crazed I actually learned web development from him. The typos were just the fun part 😂
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    Bucky / TheNewBoston and Derek Banas are so good.

    Bucky for that in depth personal touch with humor and fun sprinkled all over it.

    Derek for the speed run of insta-knowledge to get your wheels turning.
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    @tonymontana same! Though mainly html and css. Js and beyond went to the net ninja on youtube, very similar personality. Im now learning angular fron mamimillian and brad traversy on Udemy, struggling a bit more lol
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    Tell me about it, I haven't tried derek's tutorials though.
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    @tonymontana they're really good for breaking into a language, he has "learn in one video" videos for various languages that cover basic syntax, control flow, data structures, etc
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